Fishing For Compliments

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Chapter 1- Fishing For Compliments


     Maybe it was when Ryan gave Harry the part on Track 3 he wanted, or was it when Harry got the lads to ditch him to see a movie when they already had plans, that got Zayn's blood boiling. Little things such as that has been getting to Zayn more than usual. Just Harry's name was making Zayn go mad, and ever since his break up Cassandra, the press can't stop saying it. He especially hated the press now a days, like when he had been seen at a local park with Harry. Not only did he not even want to be seen with Harry, but they only focused on Harry, not even bothering to express the fact that Zayn had actually left the fucking house for once.

     But that part on Track 3, that was something he wanted more than anything. He had worked so hard for it, and it was in the pathetic hands of Harry. Zayn did manage to calm down in a bathroom stall before leaving. He planed to spend the rest of the day with the lads, but that two was taken from him by Harry. All he ever wants is taken by Harry! And Zayn was tired of it. So he sat in the kitchen eating his troubles away when he hears the front door close.

     "Hey, Zaynie," Niall beams as he walks towards Zayn, his bare arms red from the outside heat.

      "Missed you today, Harry even got us dinner." Liam pats Zayn on the back as he speaks, his long tan arms reach for the refrigerator and puts his face in.

      "Yeah, got us ice cream on the plus side," Louis smiles towards Zayn, hips swaying as he walked.

       "You should join us next time." Harry's voice echoed inside his brain the moment he said it. And that made him the most angry.

       "...bye" Zayn decided to just leave, his anger turning into sorrow he just wanted to sleep away. His food forgotten and his whole heart depressed. He wanted to die at this point, but then again- he didn't think anyone would notice or care. So he locks the door and stalks himself to bed. And that's when depression is forgotten and sleep takes over.


      "How was work?" El's voice rings obnoxiously throughout Louis room, her unevenly tanned legs crossing and uncrossing on Louis's once perfectly made bed. Which was something once again ruined by the unwanted pest on his bed.

      "Fine, if you were paying attention to the smile on my face when I walked in! Uhg, that stupid, fucking question just ruined my day," Louis screams from the shower, the only place he could hide in his room that El wouldn't just come looking for him in.  

      That's another problem with the both of them, Louis is always yelling and whining when the poor girl was around. The boys would constantly tell him to apologize, only to turn around moments later to whisper scream it in her face. But Niall was the only one to understand his feeling towards her, unlike the other lads. Then again, Niall probably didn't care because Louis would always fuck him into the sheets senselessly whenever he had to yell at El. He likes it rough, and if yelling at El gets it to be that way, then he could care less. Niall hated her anyway and Louis would show Niall that he came first by yelling at her.

     "...I'm sorry," El said while Louis slides on a towel, shutting off the water. His tan figure appears, face showing his inner conflict on what he should say- so he goes with his normal response.

    "That's right, bitch." Louis knew that she would always respond to 'bitch', ever since their relationship had taken this dark turn, Louis had only ever called her so.      

     Louis dresses himself, grabs supplies and clothing for three days, and tells El to get dress. El's face lights up at the thought of Louis actually taking her out. Her thoughts race just thinking that Louis would be taking her somewhere like he use too. But all hope is gone when Niall steps into the passengers seat, his pale middle finger flipping her off,  his pink lips form an evil smirk. El sort of smile disappears as Niall throws a bag into the back, purposely aiming for her head, but it misses her head by an inch- hitting the spot next to her.

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