chapter 1

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Have you ever had one of those friends you can go weeks without talking to, and when you finally reconnect its like you just saw each other yesterday? I'm fortunate enough to have two of them, and to me we are no longer friends; we're family. We've been like that since we met 8 years ago in college. Their family treats me like I'm kin and their kids call me Aunt Danni.
It's been about 5 years since I've seen them, and since they have 3 kids its easier for me to go to them. So this year we decided I would travel south and spend Thanksgiving in Georgia. I had planned on driving, but Jake insisted I just catch a ride south with him and his buddy. I guess they went on a hunting trip in Indiana and are going to stop in Ohio to get me. Gotta admit I'm a little nervous. I'm a people person, but 8 hours in a vehicle with Jake and someone I've never met doesn't thrill me.
When I opened the door Jake picked me up and hugged me so tight I thought my eyeballs would pop out of my sockets. "Easy dude don't brake her." I heard a deep southern draw laugh from somewhere behind me. When I turned to say hi and introduce myself Jake quickly slapped his hand over my mouth. "Yes its him, yes I've known him since high school, yes I purposely didnt tell you, and no you can not jump his bones or drive his truck." By this point I was blushing as red as a stop sign and fuming mad. After I elbowed Jake in the ribs I politely said hello and casually waved. Thtas not what I got in return. He stepped towards me and pulled me to him for a hug, laughed, and told me, "that's not how we say hello darlin." God I'm pathetic. His voice and that laugh made me want to melt into a puddle. It took all my self control to let go after that hug. How am I going to keep my composure around him for three whole damn weeks?

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