chapter 17

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"I thought you said you're not a typical female?" Jake griped as he carried another box out to be loaded in the truck. He was referring to all of my cloths he's been hauling out. "I'm not. Look at those 8 boxes over there in the corner. Those are all cloths and things I'm donating. Someone's supposed to be by any time to pick them up." When I turned back to finish putting the last of my toiletries in my bag my heart sank to my stomach. What in the hell is he doing here. I was about to tell him exactly where to go when I heard Cassie yelling from outside. "Brantley no! Let her handle it unless she asks for your help." Then I heard Jake, "Believe me B, nobody wants to pound his ass more than me, but let's just give Dannie a chance to handle things her way." I was instantly pissed as soon as I saw Nick's face. My blood boiled when I realized he had just waltzed in like he still lived here. Seeing Brantley leaning in the door way, all puffed up and ready to pounce, made me feel ten foot tall and bullet proof. Needless to say I didn't hesitate to let Nick have it; "Excuse you!? I don't remember letting you in. You've got about 10 seconds, and that's me being generous, to explain before I turn those two boys loose. And I'd choose my words wisely if I were you. I'm all that's standing between you and a royal ass beating, and that big one in all black can move me with one hand. Yes that's who you think it is. The other one is my buddy Jake from college that you never got to meet. He's itching to say hi too." Both B and Jake looked murderous and now Cassie was between them and she looked just as venomous. Unlike B and Jake she knows all the details of how Nick fucked me over. The guys are pissed out of principal. They don't need to know why and I don't plan on telling them until we're across state lines. Telling them now would get Nick a one way ticket to the infirmary and they would be sharing a cell.

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