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Nice idea Zombi

1) Are you squeamish around blood and guts?
L: Yeah, but I'd probably get used to it after a while
K: Nope. (I'd say a memory but for Lauren's sake I'll keep quiet)

2) How long can you last without a shower?
L: The rest of my life. (Normally I'm forced to take one every day, but the longest I've went was about a month)
K: Well it depends. As long as I don't go out in public I'll never. If I have to then probably a week.

3) Where would you stay if the virus broke out?
L: I'd probably stay in a store and defend it with my life. Family, friends, we gonna live in a store.
K: FYE. If I'm dying I'm dying with the merch.
(Jk I'd stay at Walmart)

4) Can you kill a wild animal for food?
L: Probably, with the right training.
K: Yeah, actually. But I haven't yet. And won't.

5) Have you ever had training in hunting or martial arts?
L: I did karate for about 2-3 years
K: See above. I've been trained to shoot off guns and shit. That's about it though.

6) What would your ideal weapon be?
K: Katana. Hands D O W N.

7) If you had to end someone's life because they were bitten, would you?
L: Hell fucking yes. Survival of the fittest. (Sorry Kim, sorry Kayleigh XD)
K: (Fuck off XD)
If they asked me to. Only scenario.

8) You've been bitten and have to remove your arm to survive. Do you do it?
L: I mean.....Walking Dead logic......that don't work....... (No, I'd make someone kill me)
K: Y'know, I don't think I'd be dumb enough to be bitten. But okay. I'd cut my arm off. Probably find a living doctor and get a prosthetic.

9) What are your fears?
L: I have no idea, I guess we'll find out once I face them.
K: Oh god here we go.
Puppets, human-looking objects (such as mannequins), losing someone close to me, being fucking close to the edge of the road, and unseen gunshots.



1. What role do you play in a survival group? Food supervisor, weapons expert, the medic, or the leader?
2. Out of you and your best friend, who would die first?
3. You're being raided. You have to give something away or everyone in your group dies. Sacrifice your weapons or your food?
4. You see someone you love has turned into a walker. Do you kill them out of pity, or keep going?
5. If it absolutely came down to it, would you eat a human?
6. Longest you've gone without food?
7. Would you raid shelters, or are you the good guy?
8. Dog zombies. Do you believe?
9. Resident Evil 6 or a really corny zombie shooting arcade game based on hillbillies?
10. Would you survive the apocalypse?


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