Fun Facts 6: 'Stache

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Doing this just because I'm doing nothing else right now. Although it's convenient how it's right after Glitch.

Fun Fact:
Oh hey he's completely different than every other Darkstache.
Yep, mines different. Only similarity is the whole outfit. Unless I decide to change that later, which I probably will/won't.

Fun Fact:
He's not actually at the OC house at night. Ever. And never has.
He's just really good at sneaking out and coming back without noticing him. No one's noticed yet. And he doubts anyone will.
He sneaks out because of his own reasons, but they won't be revealed unless anyone finds out and/or questions him about it. So hey. It's a mystery.

Fun Fact:
'Stache actually had the smallest ever crush on Cynder when he came to the OC house. So there's something to tease him about.

Fun Fact:
Sad thing!
'Stache is diagnosed with paranoia, and takes medication for it. He has prescribed pills in his room hidden in a drawer because he doesn't like to talk about it. But it's a reason why he'd so hostile to everyone, and doesn't normally jump into conversations. Because his trust is fucked up, and he assumes everyone is out to get him.
It's a surprise that he trusts Glitch so much.

Fun Fact:
Oh hey, remember that one shot where 'Stache was a bartender?
Yeah. He actually used to be a bartender.
And besides the fact that he's the fucking best drink maker in history, the story's actually a bit sad.
He snapped one day, paranoia finally kicking in, and burned the bar down thinking everyone was going to kill him either way. He thought the only way to settle his paranoia was to murder after that. After two years of actually killing, though, he realized that wasn't the solution and reluctantly got medication for it.

Fun Fact:
He's totally bottom, by the way.
So hey, the Stitch thing works out.

Fun Fact:
'Stache is fuckin' gr8 at playing the saxophone. He had to learn for the bar he used to work at (because it was a low budget bar, the music cut out a lot. he was the last resort), and actually still has the instrument in a case hid in his closet. Cuz he doesn't want to see it.
But, if you ever want some intense memeing, you could probably somehow persuade him to play it.

Fun Fact:
His past, ignoring the bar thing, is actually pretty okay.
Iiiif you also ignore the fact that he, literally, is made of shadow.
From a scientist's lab.
Long story. Could be explained later if needed. But nah, it can wait for now.

Fun Fact:
Idk why I'm writing these with underlines but meh

Fun Fact:
Also they're pretty long but idc I'm just really excited about this

Fun Fact:
'Stache is probably one of my most thought out/favorite OCs.

Fun Fact:
And probably the second one I've ever made

Fun Fact:
Cynder was the first, being that he was my imaginary friend as a kid.
Probably why 'Stache had a crush on him.

Fun Fact:
Actually, 'Stache has a thing for people stronger than him. Emotionally wise.
He's had a lot of unthought and misinterpreted crushes before, and Cynder was one of these. Just because the thought he was weaker than everyone.
He still thinks Glitch is stronger than him, but never admits it. It's the paranoia. He can't help it.


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