Chapter 1

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I threw the crimson red blanket over my half clothed body. A purely snow white cross laid across my midsection and the television remote sat just below my finger tips.
Picking up the plastic device I flipped through channel after channel, never quite finding anything that caught my attention. Nothing at all.
I ended up settling for a police show, "
'The Police of Bern' (Bern: The capital of Switzerland) to be specific.
Letting a loud sigh carelessly roll off my lips I leaned back into my pillow. Right now all I needed to do was relax, relaxing was something I could do that was free of charge.
Blaring sirens killed off any chance I had of resting, not even a moment of sleep could be obtained at this rate. I groaned in frustration before sitting back up.
With nothing better to do, my green eyes watched the woman and two men- no these were not men.

They were boys playing dress up just take their frustration out on my citizens

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They were boys playing dress up just take their frustration out on my citizens. I watched the boys chase a woman in a 'God hates fags' shirt, a pair of skin tight skinny jeans, and a pair of heels that looked as if she were standing on her tip-toes, how ever she was running like that I don't even want to know, down a street as their flashlights lit the way throughout the blinding darkness.
"Come on guys, we have zhat thief now!!" Cheered a Hungarian accent from an officer with long, light brown, locks that went a thousand and one directions as she ran and her green eyes that could stare through anyone's soul.
A subtle smile graced my lips as she leaped onto the they were chasing, both covered in beads of salt water droplets and raspy breathing. "Jou're.. Coming.. Vith uz!" Spoke the cop as she slapped the Crome brackets onto her wrists and forcefully pulled her up from the ground. Handing the reluctant criminal over to her colleagues she sat on the curb as it cut to a confessional with one of the male officers.
"Ja, zhe vork force can get pretty rough out here. It breaks my heart to zee zuch-" spoke the most likely gay officer before being interrupted by the other make "Vhatever, Rodderich! Zhis is like zhe coolest job EVER!! I, officer Gilbert Bellischmidt, am zhe best on zhe entire polize force!" Cheered an albino with the expression of pure enthusiasm. I only scoffed at this.
Glancing back over to the sandwich my younger sister had brought for me I realised how hungry I actually was. It had been a good eight... twelve hours since I last eaten anything. A loud whale like sound coming from my stomach confirmed this, I was really hungry.
I picked up the glass plate and sat it on my lap just in time for the commercials to begin playing on screen.
I picked the sandwich up off the hard glass plate and took a small bite out of it. Every single flavour between the fluffy slices of bread hit me like a ton of bricks and I instantly spit the inedible food out. "What the hell is this?" I cursed aloud. Lily must've been in a hurry while making my sandwich.
I could barely look at it anymore and simply released it from my grip. The moment the first slice of bread came in contact with the Swiss flag stretched across my lap it fell apart.

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