a fight with Grand Highblood

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Laughing I sneak around the lowbloods camps. Killing any that see me. Soon my hands are splattered ing motherfucking colors. I think I might have gone into a motherfucking rage when that fucking scum called Duelscar killed my lucus to feed that bottom feeders lucus. I was and still am motherfucking pissed. He killed my goat mother. :( .Now I'm going to kill every last one of those fishy basterds.

My indigo blood surges through my veins, and the motherfucking voices won't leave me alone. I know of three other motherfuckers with this problem, but they don't know me. Their names are Grand Highblood, Gamzee, and Kurloz.

"shosh..." I say holding my hand over the lowly yellow bloods mouth. "Don't make a sound," I take my hand away slowly. "Now tell me where is the highblood?"

"I-i-in a meeting with t-t-the Sufferer," he says stuttering, and shaking.

"When will he leave?"

"I-i-in a couple o-o-of minutes."

"good. That's all the time I'll need," I take out a knife and carve a couple of words into his face. I'll kill you highblood- Crimson. "Now go tell the mighty highblood I'm watching him. Say anything else and you'll died before your next meal."

"Of corse umm...." He shakes not knowing what to call me.

"If he asked who Crimson is just say that she's the same symbol as you and same blood color ok?" I pat his cheek smiling.

"O-o-ok," he stutters and stumbles to the meeting to tell his master and highblood.

"Have fun," I grin evilly. Now all there is is to sit and wait.

Grand Highbloods P.O.V

"What the fuck is this lowblood doing in here!?" I scream raising a club ready to smash his head in.

"S-s-sir" He stutters then continues. "A-a-a-a girl attacked me and told m-m-m-me to sh-sh-sh-show you this." Hi turns his head revealing a carving on his cheek.

"Who wrote this!?" I yell ready to slap him.

"Sh-sh-she said th-th-th-that if you d-d-d-didn't know her to t-t-t-tell you that sh-sh-sh-she's the s-s-same symboly and b-b-b-blood color a-a-a-as you." He whimpers and cringes away not wanting to be struck.

"What the fuck did she use to do this with!?"

He looks at me and blankly says "The very dagger that once pierced your sons skin."

"WHAT!?" I'm in a total outrage. A couple years ago a motherfucking girl had broken into my hive and attacked my son. Every time I swung at her she was already out of the way. "THAT MOTHERFUCKER IS GOING TO PAY!"

Crimsons P.O.V

I hear his foot steps. The slow motherfucker couldn't catch me then and he won't catch me now.

"CRIMSONNN!" He screams looking for me.

"Hey big lug over here!" I scream standing up and waving. He stares at me and starts running. Yawning I just stare back. Once he's close enough I jump on his head and climb onto his hair. "Hello!" I say grinning down on him.

"Get the fuck off me!" He roars reaching up for me. Sighing I jump from his hair and land in front of him.

"Did you like the present?" I say. "I hand carved it."

"I KNOW AND I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID!" He yells rushing towards me.

"So predictable," I taunt darting just outside of his reach. Deciding to make a deal I look at him and say, "If I kill you I win. If you win you can take me hostage, but that doesn't mean I won't fight if you take me."

"And if you win with out succeeding in killing me?" He ask clearly accepting the terms

"If I win without killing you, you get to be my prisoner." I say grinning. He nods.

"Then let's fight." He responds waiting for me to strike.

"You know. I have this strange thing where I'll lick the blood off my knife," I say just to see his reaction. I dart at him stabbing him in the side, and returning to where I was. Chuckling I stare at him waiting for his move. He rushes me trying to hit me with a club. Jumping neatly out of the way I decide to taunt him. "Your really slow, like a slug. I kind of wish you could keep up with me so this would be a fair fight."

"Fuck you!" He yells waiting for my next attack. I dart at him, and instead of him trying to hit me he waits then grabs my arm as I try to stab him. Grinning he lifts me off the ground and watches as I struggle screaming at him to let go of my hair. He laughs.

"So that's how you want to play," I sigh. "Oh well. I would have gone easy on you, but you just had to go and lift me by my hair." I twist around so that I could stab his hand. Lifting my arm slowly behind my back he continues to laugh. And just like that my knife dives into his hand and out the other side. He drops me and I stand up brushing dirt off myself.

"Fuck you!" He screams again throwing a rock at me. Surprisingly it collides with my shoulder.

"What the fuck! OW!" I hiss under my breath. To late I realize that I let my guard down and the next thing I know Highblood is beating the shit out of me. "Ok. I've had enough of this fucking shit!" I shift so that I can move my legs. Drawing my foot back I kick him in his bulge. He falls to his side cursing under his breath. I reach my dagger and bring it down on his arm.

"You motherfucker!" He screams thew clenched teeth. I walk to a tree and wait for him to get up. After a few minutes he's still on the ground. I lick my knife tasting his blood. He just stares at me.

"You know the first time I ever licked my knife clean was after I stabbed your son." I say grinning. He glares at me and gets to his feet. Growling I bare my teeth. I know he's planning something.

Bloody walls (A Grand Highblood love story)Where stories live. Discover now