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I'm doing recaps on his one because I'm not updating it as much as my Karkat story so don't hate me if you see the same thing twice.



"You'll pay for what you motherfucking did!" he screams launching himself at me clubs raised.

"WHAT I DID!?" I scream doing so he hits the ground. "YOU KILLED THEM ALL!"

"Killed who!?" He yells back clearly pissed.

"MY FRIENDS!" I scream he thinks his son killed Nuyuki, and I plan on keeping it like that. I promised her I would protect her. She's my friend after all.

~Recap end~

Taking advantage of his slowness I dart around him occasionally leaving marks were my knife tears threw his flesh. Any other trolls would turn around and run from Highblood, but you see I'm not any other troll.

"Hey ass hat," I say standing once again on his head. "you know what?"

"FOR THE LAST MOTHER FUCKING TIME GET OFF MY HEAD!!!" He screamed at me reaching up to grab me.

"Fine," I say leaping to the ground landing neatly in front of him. "But you never guessed what I was gonna say."

"WELL THEN JUST MOTHER FUCKING TELL ME!" He screamed swinging a club at my head.

"Some times when you not being a total dick," I say ducking to avoid the club. "Your actually kind of nice."

Roaring in outrage he throws one of his clubs at me. Taken by surprise the club strikes me full on pinning me against  a tree.

"YOU FUCKING ASS GET THIS STUPID MOTHER FUCKING SPIKY CLUB OF ME!!" squirming I try to struggle free of the club. Laughing he slowly walks closer clearly doubting that I'll escape before he gets to me. Having enough I take my knife and cut the part of my shirt thats caught off. "darting to the side I run into Dual Scar. Hissing I stab his hand as he tries to grab my wrist. As much as it pangs me to hurt him I'd rather not die at the hand of any of the purple, fuchsia, or indigo bloods.

"YOUR FUCKING DEAD!" Highblood screams knocking me out.

Bloody walls (A Grand Highblood love story)Where stories live. Discover now