1 ; feeling christmas all around

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feeling christmas all around
and i'm trying to play it cool.

Oh, how she loves Christmas.

The beautiful lights, the annoyingly catchy songs, cookies, cocoa, and the great vibe from it all. It was so amazing to live in New York during this time of year. Sure, the sidewalk was covered in snow and ice, the weather wasn't its best, and the streets were busier than ever, but if you just had a chance to just take it all in... it's breathtaking.

With her gloved hands in her coat's pocket, a yellow beanie on her head, and the boots she wore crunching in the snow, Ally hums Twelve Days of Christmas as she walks through the streets of New York by herself.

Her peace and quite is interrupted by the ring of her cell phone. Ally sighs before grabbing it from out of her pocket and looking at the caller ID. Answering and then putting the phone to her ear, she says, "Yes, Farrah?"

"It's almost seven and you're not back yet, I was worried. Where are you? Do you need me to come get you?" Her roommate questions worryingly.

"I'm fine, Farrah," Ally chuckles, looking at all of the stores around her. "You know I like walking around during this time because of all of the lights."

"Yeah, but you're alone and there's barely light out, Ally. Hurry back to the apartment because I'm getting a little scared."

"I'm on my way." Ally huffs before ending the call and putting the phone back in her pocket.

She sees a young, teenage boy play the guitar on a bench outside a shop and smiles slightly. He had a little sign place in front of him, it saying 'Saving for new piano!!!'. Ally grins and in digs in her bag as she approaches him. "Hey, kid?" She calls, now taking slow steps in front of him.

The boy stops strumming his guitar and looks up at her with a startled expression. "Uh, s-sorry. Am I disturbing you? I can---"

Ally shakes her head and pulls out a two fifty dollar bills and throws it in his case. "You gotta name?"

He looks at the money in his case and grins before turning back go her. "Samuel."

"Well, Samuel, I'm Ally," she says and gives him a friendly smile. "You're really good, so remember to give me a shoutout or something when you get famous, alright?"

"Uh, yeah. Thank you." he laughs as she starts to walk away. She turns around, in content with the deed she just did. A smile grows on her face when the young woman hears in the distance, "This next song is dedicated to Ally."

Along with his distant strumming, Ally hums Jiggle Bell Rock.

Her jolly spirit is interrupted suddenly when the sound of screaming females enters her tiny ears. There's no one on the street she was walking on, but the screaming doesn't sound all too distant. It doesn't sound like a group of horrified females. Maybe someone big was in town for the holidays.

Ally hears rapid footsteps behind her and turns around to see a blond-headed male running towards her with a panicked expression. Feeling as if she's in his way, Ally steps to the side. Just her luck, he runs to the same side, not knowing she'd move. Both of the two crash into one another. This results in her falling on to the icy ground with the man on top of her.

She groans an arches her back in pain, but this just makes her head pound. The blond gapes and hastily gets up, still panicked and out of breath. He grabs Ally by her middle and helps her up. The small brunette doesn't push him off, but instead grips his shoulders, her head pounding massively with a migraine and a concussion coming on.

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