3 ; let it snow is blasting out

480 39 12

let it snow is blasting out
but i won't get in the mood

(a/n: this is mixture of third person limited and third person omniscient)

"... I kind of figured myself out during college, but I was a little curious in high school." Ally explains to Austin Moon.

He had asked about her sexuality. At first, she thought he'd try to talk her out of it (like most people she knew does) or just insult her (like most people she knew does). Surprisingly, he was genuinely intrigued on how or why she found herself liking both sexes.

"Why didn't you go full blast in high school? No girls you were interested in?" He asks, biting at a candy cane he had asked for minutes ago.

She shakes her head and giggles a bit, resulting in a small smile from him. "It's high school; being anything but straight would bring you hell. College hit, I found myself interested in my dorm roommate, and we kind of hit it off. Both romantically and platonically, so we dated for a while, but we're still good friends. I came out to everyone on Christmas; my favorite holiday."

"How'd everyone take it?"

"I found how who was homophobic, so I don't talk to those people anymore, but my friends and family still consider it a bit weird, but they support it."

"I guess that's good." Austin nods, giving her a small smile. "You shouldn't keep negativity in your life."

"I tend to need it sometimes, though," Ally shrugs and leans on on the palm of her hand. "Too much positivity kind of just..."

"Drives you insane?"

"Yeah! It's starts to feel forced and loses the meaning."

"Yeah, and it's even worse when---" Austin starts to explain, but he's then cut off by the ringing of his cell phone. "Sorry."

"It's fine," she murmurs and then chuckles as he answers the phone with the candy cane hooked in his lip. She reaches her hand over and grabs the peppermint hook-like candy, putting it in her mouth instead. "You don't need this while talking on the phone."

Austin raises an eyebrow and laughs, but continues his call regardless. "'Ello?"

As he's on the phone, she just munches on the candy cane that he once had in his mouth. Despite her hatred for germs, it made her tingle that she was eating off of one of her favorite actors.

Well, not eating off of, but you get the point.

"Oh, okay. We'll be down there in a few." Austin says, finishing up his call. He then hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket. "Apparently, the traffic is really bad over here, so our ride is about two three blocks away because it's better than driving here and then getting stuck again."

Ally nods and grabs her coat as she stands. "I guess that's logical."

Austin stands too with his coat and scarf, but sets them down for a moment and asks, "Do you happen to have a pen?"

"Umm," she thinks, digging in her pocket. Sure enough, she pulls out a Sharpyie. "I have a Sharpie pen?"

"Thank you." he says and and gives her a smile before pulling out a pad of sticky notes and placing it in the table. He clicks the pen and begins writing.

Ally comes behind Austin to look over his shoulder. "Are you giving the woman behind the counter your number?" She giggles out.

"Of course not," Austin laughs, nudging her a bit as he clicks the pen again and peels the note off. "She's been trying not to explode for over an hour. I'm giving her a tip, too."

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