5 ; until i know it's true love

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until i know it's true love
that he/she thinks of

"You didn't have to order for me," Ally says, grinning at the drink placed in front of her. She takes a sniff at it and scrunches her face in disgust. "Coffee?"

"You can't possibly tell me you don't like coffee." Austin says in disbelief, taking a seat in the booth.

"It's so bitter. Makes my stomach feel funny." She says, pushing the drink his way.

Austin shakes his head, but shrugs before grabbing the foam cup and taking a sip. "I haven't seen you in like, fourteen hours? How's life been? How's the kids?"

Ally chuckles and raises an eyebrow. "I don't even recall giving birth to a child."

Austin grins and takes another sip at his coffee, before seriously asking, "Why'd you decide to come back here? Are you a regular customer?"

"I don't know," she says truthfully, shrugging and leaning back in her seat. "Got into sort of a situation with my girl--- my friend and I needed to clear my head and ended up here."

"What happened?"

"Well, I woke up, she asked where I was, told her it was none of her business, and then went to grab something to eat. There was barely anything, so I said I'd go shopping for food and she said she knows what she can eat and I obliviously asked her what it was. I denied her request and I thought she gave up for a moment, but she kissed me and I... I kissed her back," Ally says, drowning in her arms in shame. "I don't know why I kissed back. I don't feel that way anymore nor do I want to. She probably thinks I want her back now."

"That's quite a story," Austin blows out with raised eyebrows. "though, I think I know the problem too your situation."

"I'm emotionally attached to my ex because she was the first person who I've been in love with and the first person to leave me with an actual heartbreak?"

The two of them stare at each other. He's giving her a incredulous look while sending him a knowing one. Just after a moment, the break the stare and snicker at each other.

"You watch way too many of my movies."

Aly playfully rolls her eyes and reaches over the table to punch his shoulder, though it barely hurts him. "So what's my problem then, Mr. Movie star?"

"When was the last time you've had sex?"

This makes Ally gape at him, disturbed by his question. Austin just breaks out laughing at her face, throwing his head back as he does so. She continues to glare at him and even crosses her arms.

"Don't you know it's rude to ask people that?!" Ally exclaims, rolling her eyes at his laughter. "It's not funny!"

"You-You should see your face!" Austin howls of laughter, his face turning red from the lack of air going to his lungs.

Ally frowns and sighs, looking down at her lap to try to ignore his laughter.

He finally stops after a while and sees her embarrassed face and gives a soft a smile, still chuckling. "Hey, I was just laughing at your face. Not the fact that you haven't had sex in while. I mean, I haven't either so it wouldn't make any sense for me to do so."

It makes her feel better enough to look up again, meeting his eyes. "How do you know I haven't had sex? I'm not a virgin."

"Neither am I," he laughs softly, looking at her with a grin. "but I also am well aware if you haven't had any type of sexual pleasure in while being stressed, it to get to you. So that's probably why you kissed her back, side you claim too be completely over her."

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