6 ; i'm not all alone

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so next christmas
i'm not all alone


Ally awakens the next morning with a groan. The aching between her legs was unbearable, but she'd live with it. Also, she was disgustingly sticky. Even the spot in the bed was a bit damp. The only thing bad about sex was post-sex.

She didn't feel Austin behind her, so she sits up in bed, looking around the his hotel room. Their food was cleaned up. The plates and mugs on the counter while the piece of uneaten lemon cake sat on the top of the small refrigerator. The room was spotless. Though one thing caught her eye. Well, noticed would be more appropriate to say because there's nothing here.

His shirt, pants, shoes, coat, and everything but his scarf wasn't here.

"No," Ally whispers herself in disbelief, shaking her head and moving her legs to the side of the bed to get off and stand up, the sheet wrapped around her. Her legs were still aching, but she manages to get to the bathroom, looking around just to check. "No, he did not."

Ally's eyes start to fill up with tears and she slides down the wall, starting to sob. Austin Moon did not just use her as a fucking fling. He did not. She refuses.to believe so.

But after twenty minutes have gone by, she believes it and stands, feeling pathetic. It was her fault, anyway. Sleeping with someone you've only known for about twenty-two hours? Very smart. Especially if you didn't want to get played by someone again.

She goes to the hotel bed and falls there for moment, screaming and crying into the bedsheets. God, she hated herself right niw. She hated a lot of other things, too. She hated Farrah for making her confused. She hated Austin for being at that stupid cafe. She hated him for charming her up. She hated him.

Okay, she knows that's not true, but she couldn't stand him at the moment.

Ally pulls herself together and takes a deep, shakily breath. This was no one's fault but her own. She trusted someone enough to sleep with them after only spending a day with them. She'll just have to suck it up for now.

After finally consoling herself, Ally gets up from the hotel bed, the sheet still around her. She starts to look for her clothes, remembering they were flung in various parts of the room. But she notices that they are folded on the nightstand, along with her gloves, scarf, and even the snowglobe he had bought her.

She sighs and grabs her clothing, dropping the sheet to grab then and walk to the bathroom, taking a shower before she put her clothes back on.

It was quick shower. She wanted to leave and forget about Austin. She'd never watch his movies again, she'd never watch the new channel that includes celebrity gossip, she wouldn't even take that snow-globe home.

Even though it was her first ever snowglobe and her favorite--- ex favorite celebrity gave it to her, she's not going to take it. She'll buy another one.

"God, I can't believe I did that,"Ally scolds herself once again as she steps the back of her bra. "No alcohol. No drugs. Without any influence, I slept with him."

"I literally shit on Farrah almost everyday for using me yet I sleep with some man I met a day ago. Such fucking logic, Ally."

She breathes in a long breath and closes her eyes for moment. Before she could stop herself, there's tears falling from her eyes again.

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