Chapter Four

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Day 3:

The sun hadn't yet arise (although, it was now light) and the warden and Jonathan were already at it.

"And you snore!" My cousin exclaimed.

"I do not snore!" The warden fired back.

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I blocked them out. I pushed ahead forward as I heard my brother tell Evelyn that we were almost there.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

My brother looked down at the ground and I followed his gaze and saw a bunch of skeletons sticking up out of the ground. The bones were looked to be bleached and eaten away, from the way they were positioned, it looked as if they were trying to climb out of the desert itself. I shuttered. "Pretty sure." He said.

"What in bloody hell is this?" Jonathan asked.

"Other seekers of Humunpatra." The warden shivered.

I sighed upon seeing the 3 Americans, Beni, and an Egyptologist and about 24 native diggers all on horses with the exception of Beni, who was on a camel.

"Good Morning, my friends." Beni said.

My brother nodded and the others came to a stop while Rick and Beni just look over at the horizon. The Americans looked confused, and I had to admit, I was too, sure, being born in the Medjai, I knew all about Hamunpatra, but, I had no clue to as what they were doing.

"Well, what the hell we doin'?" One of them, which I believe to be Daniels asked.

"Patience, my good sahib, patience." Beni responded.

"First one to the city, O'Connell! Five hundred! Cash bucks!" One of them told my brother, but Rick didn't respond to him, just kept staring at the Horizon.

Suddenly, the sun starts to rise. "Get ready." Rick said.

"For what?" Evelyn asked.

"We're about to be shown the way."

Wait, shown the way? I pondered. Of course, it all made sense now, I didn't understand it when I was a child, but now that my brother said that, it was pretty logical. The path to Hamunpatra wouldn't be shown to just anyone at any time, especially to those who didn't know the way over there, so there was a certain time that it would show itself, which is why many people never made their way to the lost city, they were never shown the way, and it was a good thing that they didn't. Well, it wasn't good for them, as they would be dead. But I'm pretty sure if that if they did indeed find the city and what was buried beneath it, they would have died anyway, and probably most everyone in the country, and eventually the world.

A huge volcano shape started to rise along with the sun. And pretty soon, the Americans started to take off, I rolled my eyes. This trip was a suicide mission.

"See ya there, O'Connell!" One of them yelled as they were taking off.

"Ah, begging your pardon, but shouldn't we be going?" Jonathan asked.

"After all, you rode us night and day to win that bet." Evelyn added.

Since neither Rick nor Beni made a move, I had a feeling that the Americans were going in the wrong direction.

Beni watched them and spit into the sand. "Fools!" He muttered, which confirmed my suspicions, as did the shifting volcano. And the Americans chased after it, and then it shifted again. It shifted 3 more times, and it made the Americans so angry and confused. I had to admit, that was pretty hilarious.

Then everyone starting taking off. I stayed where I was for a few minutes. I was in no rush to get there.

"You boys owe me five hundred dollars." Rick said, as I finally made my way into the lost city. "Okay there?" My brother asked me.

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