The Bitter End

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Yeah!! I finally posted something!! I'm so so SO sorry for not posting anything in forever. I've had band camp from 8:30 to 4 every day last week and this week so I've been either gone or to tired to really write anything for my other stories lately. Sorry!!! *hides behind a tree* DON'T KILL ME!!!! BLAME THE SMURFS!! So yeah... This is a small side story to Dimension Disaster. This is what happenes to Nandel's family. We haven't gotten to that chappy yet but Nandel was adopted because his parents were killed. This story explains a lot of stuff in his before life and all that. Let's see if you can guess who this prologue is about before the last bit of the chappy. Yes I know this chappy has NOTHING to do with Nandel but there's a reason. It's kinda explained in the next chapter. Well here it is. ENJOY!!!!


            Black. That’s all I could see. It was all around me, encasing me in a soft, safe shield from the outside world, or so I thought. I flapped my tiny wings aggravatedly, feeling them beat on the sides of my eggshell. 

            When am I finally going to get out of here? It seems like I’ll never get out, no matter how hard I try. This eggshell just won’t break.

            I quickly butted my head against the top of the shell, trying to break it. My head simply bounced off of it, not even leaving a dent. My tail swished along the bottom of the egg, feeling for any week spots.

            “Lady Cedia! I-I can’t take your egg,” a frantic and slightly stunned voice sounded from outside the barrier of the egg.

            I stopped moving, hoping this conversation could help me escape this shrinking prison.

            Day after day I grow bigger and soon I won’t be able to fit in the egg anymore. I might just suffocate before that happens though.

            “You must take it. Its my gift to you, young elf,” said a much smoother, yet deeper voice through my mind link.

            So it’s her egg. That means she must be my mother then. I wonder what she will look like.

            “But it’s your egg. The only child you may ever have, and you want to give it to me!? Why?” asked the other, much younger voice.

            “Oh Arya. My dear sweet elf child,” said Cedia, letting out a low laugh that vibrated through the earth beneath me. “I am giving you the greatest gift that anyone could ever receive. It’s my most prized possession.”

            The other person is an…elf…? What in world is that? I hope it’s not some horrible creature that would eat me or something.

            “Then why are you giving it to me of all people. Why to a small elf girl?” Arya asked, sounding confused.

            “Arya, I trust you with my egg. I have seen you grow up from afar and know your destiny in the future. You’ll need a friend to help you through it.”

            “What things will happen to make you say that? Maybe I can prevent them from happening.”

            “No, my young mage. You know as well as I do that changing your destiny from knowledge is impossible.” Cedia sighs sadly. “My people have been at war so long, and it is no longer safe for anyone. They grow stronger by the day, and I don’t want to risk my egg getting hurt, or worse destroyed.”

            “Ok I get that part of it. But why are you giving it to me? And why did you brand me as it’s dragon rider? Dragon riders went extinct years ago. You know it’s forbidden for a dragon to have a rider anymore because of what happened. Your husband made it a law all across Góldur.”

            That’s why I can’t break out!! My mother branded us as dragon and rider. That means I’m stuck in here until that Arya girl touches my egg. I hope that’s soon. My wings are getting cramped in here.

            “I know he did but sometimes my mate can be foolish and blind. That was something he should have never done. You’re special though. You both are. The dragon that is in that egg will become your closest friend and companion. You have everything a dragon would ever want in a rider. You’re brave, humble, strong, loving, thoughtful, and so much more I could go on for ages. You are the only person I would ever trust with this egg.”

            “So you really want me to take it then…”

            “Yes. I do. Please, Arya. I want this war to end as much as you do. I think this might just keep the war from going on another lifetime. It will benefit all of us, but mostly you and the dragon in that egg,” Cedia pleaded.

            Dirt shuffled under feet as Arya finally gave it and replied, “Ok. I’ll take the egg. What should the baby dragon be called?”

            There was a long pause before Cedia finally spoke. “Raven. She shall be known as Raven, but no one must know she is of the royal bloodline. If someone were to find out all chaos would break loose.”

             “Alright, Cedia. I won’t let anything ever happen to her. I promise,” Arya responded.

            “Good” Cedia approved. “I may see you again, my young warrior. Until then, take care of my egg, and don’t get into to much trouble.”

            “No promises on that last part,” Arya teased. “I hope I see you again, Cedia.”

            “So do I.” With that the ground shook and the wind swirled around the egg, shaking it slightly as Cedia took off and flew away. Soon I felt the egg being lifted up into small arms and cradled with great care.

            “Don’t worry, Raven. I won’t let anything ever happen to you. I promise,” Arya whispered. I could feel the vibrations of the ground as she started walking away from wherever she was at.

            So you’re my dragon rider huh. I hope my mother made the right choice leaving me with you. I’m sure we will become best friends. I like you already.  I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting life.

            With that the first layer of my shell cracked, surprising me. I looked up to find the many shell layers slowly weakening for my escape.

            I guess I’ll find out sooner then I thought. World here I come.


Yes. If you haven't guessed (even though it was obvious) this prologue is about Raven before she hatched from her egg. Her mom (Cedia) is the queen of the Dragon Kingdom. Her father (who will go unnamed just because I said so) is the king. So yes that means Raven is royalty. Don't think or say anything yet though. Just wait till the next chappy is posted. there will probably be like 3 or four other chapters other then this one in this story. Well... Comment!! Votes would be nice to but i would rather a comment.

~This secret ninja is out. PEACE!!

(>0_0)>     *

The Bitter EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora