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(Author's Note): HEY THERE! I really hope you guys like this story c: It gets really sad and i'm sorry about that D:

Eddy -->

*Want to be a Breather?*

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            It had been twelve agonizing years since I last saw my best friend. The soft brown hair I remembered so well was faded around the edges. His gorgeous image had probably changed so much and at times I had wondered if I’d even recognize him if he walked into my life one day. It was too unlikely and my hopes were never set high. All I had to remember him by was the bear he gave me and even that was fading along with my life.

            The hospital lights were too bright for my personal liking. The doctor sewed my wrist back together as I sat on a spinning chair, staring up at the multiple posters on the walls of the human anatomy. After she finished, she patted the top of my head and took a deep breath. “You should stop worrying your aunt like this.” She was referring to my wrist. She cleaned off the needle and put away the supplies.

            “Well, you know…” I examined the tightly bound black strands. This was probably the fifth time I’ve ripped them back open. Why I was still living with my aunt was a complete mystery to me.

            She wrapped my wrist with gauze and taped it into place. “I know.” She responded, lifting my chin so she could look into my eyes and read my mind through them. “Just stay strong… and never forget.” She handed me Lanni and smiled. My eyes watered as I took him into my arms, holding him tightly against my chest. She left me there as she went to talk to my aunt.

            I pulled Lanni away to look at his face. One of my salty tears dropped onto his face, soaking into his balding fur. “I’m so sorry Lanni…” I whispered, burying my face into his stomach as the tears continued to flow down my cheeks. I pulled myself into a ball on the chair and continued to let out everything, hiccupping from the sudden lack of air. “I’m really sorry. I just miss you so much.” Pain struck through my heart as I tried to picture what Lanni would look like now. Nothing came to mind making my heart sink even further into its own depression.

            My aunt took me home soon after that. My room was cleaned of blood and everything was put away nicely where it originally belonged. I plopped down on my bed with Lanni held tightly in my arms. For some reason my room seemed different. All of my posters were in place on my light green walls, covering up the holes I had made years ago by punching them. The dark blue covers on my bed were neatly made and all of the pillows were in place. I set Lanni in the middle and smiled. Everything seemed to be in order and nothing was missing. Maybe it was just my imagination.

            Aunt called me down stairs a few minutes later for dinner. It was obvious that this morning had stunned her more than usual. I felt guilty for hurting her like that but what was I supposed to do? I was in more pain than usual and hurting myself was the only way to keep myself alive.

            “Jayden, we need to talk.” She finally spoke halfway through our meals. Her hands shook as if she was nervous. I looked up to see tears forming at the corners of her bright eyes. “I think Lanni needs to go…” She bit her lip, waiting for my reaction.

            My eyes widened. “What do you mean?” My heart began to race as I shifted my body into a ready position. I was about to run upstairs and grab Lanni, saving him from my aunt’s grasp. I wouldn’t let her take my last bit of hope away from me.

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