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(Author's Note): Hey guys! :D it was sort of tough writing this chapter D: so please give me your feedback :I Follow, vote, and comment please. I LOVE YOU ALL <3

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Lan --->



            “Will you just listen to me, Jayden?!” My aunt screamed at me, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me until she got the point across. “The neighbor kid will be coming over a few times this week just to check up on you while I’m gone. Got that?” She forced me to look her straight at her. She was worried about me.

            I nodded slightly signaling for her to finally let go of me. She dropped her arms and sighed heavily. “You’re going to be late.” I muttered, backing away from her and falling onto the couch behind me. She ran her fingers through her dark hair, frustrated but knowing I was right. “I love you…” I smiled slightly, pulling one leg close to my chest. I did love my aunt but it was difficult for me to show it when she was so bossy.

            “I love you too.” She kissed the top of my head before grabbing her suitcase and leaving me behind. She shut the door and the faint sound of her car starting could be heard from the other side.

            It was spring break and everyone was already out having fun. My aunt had a business trip to attend but she wasn’t able to take me with her. It bothered her but if she wanted to keep her job, she would have to do as she was told. So, she got me a babysitter. Apparently they’d be coming over a few times this week to check and see if I was still alive. I wasn’t going to try and kill myself; I wasn’t that stupid. I didn’t want to die but I sure as hell felt like I was going to.

             The room was silent and I hated it. The old clock next to the front door clicked away as the seconds passed slowly. “Just have to survive…” I told myself as I pushed myself off of the couch. I shuffled into the kitchen, grabbing a Kit Kat bar from the freezer. I preferred my chocolate candies frozen. It just tasted better that way.

            As I nibbled on the hard chocolate, I made my way to my room to grab my IPod. The second I grabbed the metal door handle, the doorbell chimed. I let out a frustrated grunt before reluctantly moving over to it and opening the door.

A young man, probably around the same age as me, stood there with a blank look on his face. His almost black eyes widened the second he got a good look at me. My clothing style seemed a little darker than usual if that was even possible. Could I have scared him?

            “Hey, I’m… the neighbor kid.” He jutted his thumb behind himself at the house that used to be for sale a not too long ago. I nodded, shoving my hands deep into my skinny jeans that cut off a few inches below my knees. “I just came by to introduce myself.” He messed with his chocolate brown hair to avoid any awkwardness. “My name’s Lan by the way…”

            My entire body tensed up at his name. It was too close to Lance’s name and that bothered me. I could never be friends with him; it would feel too much like I was replacing him. No one could replace him. “I’m Jay.” His eyes widened a little but quickly softened into what seemed like sorrow.

            “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Jay.” He gave me a half smile before glancing back at his house. “I better get going. I’ll see you later this week though.” He looked me over one last time, taking in the black oversized sweatshirt that covered most of my body and the dark skinny jeans that I wore with holes in the knees. My feet were bare and my toenails were painted black along with my fingernails. “Nice nails.” He chuckled with a sincere grin before turning on his heel and leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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