Chapter 3

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       When the sun rose the next morning I admired its beauty. The sunrise made me think of something other than cancer. The sun had so much beauty and purpose. It had a job and it's future was certain. Humans and all earthly things can't always count on being alive the next day, I am a prime example of that.
         My parents had this long conversation with me last night about how to do with school and all the other students. The one thing they didn't realize was that they hadn't been in a school environment  for 30 years. I believe school and Tweens have changed since the 80s.
    I quickly got dressed in my black skinny jeans, red striped t-shirt Andy combat boots. The granola bar looking lonely pulled my attention and I grabbed it and ran to the bus stop. As the bus crept closer to the sidewalk I was standing patiently on a million different thoughts rushed through my head! What if people think it is contagious! What if I get bullied! What if my friends desert me!
But my thought were interrupted by the honk of a bus horn! I quickly jumped on the bus and took a seat

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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