Chapter 1

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Every day I think of ways it could have been prevented. Ways that I could have kept this confidence eating disease from entering my body. But, deep down I know there was no ways I could have kept this nightmare from happening.
Cancer, a word that means to most people one thing, pain. But, for someone that is possessed by the disease it means so much more it means death, pain, and a great deal of loss. I feel that cancer is a horrible, painful disease but also a hope. When most people here the word Cancer they normally don't think of hope as an adjective for the disease.
Well, to me cancer is more than a life threatening disease it represents for me, a new beginning.
My name is Molly Evergreen and this is the story of how I learned to live through the journey of the disease that kills, Cancer.
My story begins on October 22, 2013. That morning everything was normal I was living a normal tween life. Then, we went to the doctor. That morning I walked in the office smiling and out with the "I don't know what I am going to do look" on my face.
My doctor had just been giving me a normal checkup when he discovered a bump behind my ear. He immediately told my mom to take me to a specialist by the name Dr. Lee.
I was rushed by my mom to Dr. Lee's office. As my mom drove I tried to keep telling myself that it was nothing and I was going to be fine! But, I came to realize maybe I wouldn't be alright at all!
When my mom and I walked into Dr.Lee's office she took me to get a scan and she poked and prodded at the mysterious bump.
We waited around 30 minutes for the test results. Then, Dr. Lee came in with a look on her face that showed that something bad had happened.
She looked at us and said few words that felt like thousands, "I'm sorry but we have found that Molly has stage 4 Leukemia!
My heart dropped and what was even worse is I turned and looked at my mom and she was the same as me or maybe worse!
"This can't be! My daughter can't have cancer!"
"I know it's hard. I see many patients and I have to tell many people the same thing I am telling you right now. I know what it feels like! I have been in your position. My 6 year old daughter had the same thing you had Molly. She pulled out of it but I know how hard it is."
Then, Dr. Lee took my mom in the back and they talked about my cancer and what to do. I sat there, by myself, and thought, this has to be some kind of joke! This can not be happening! I just couldn't keep it in any longer, I started to break down into tears!
I cried like this all the way home. My mom tried to comfort me but I just kept on sobbing as if it would never end.

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