chapter 1

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It is very early in the morning and here I am packing for my trip to whiterun. I am leaving in hopes to get my memories back.
About thirty minutes later I am all packed and I head out of my room running into my father.

"Ah there you are, are you ready daughter " Adam says as he starts walking with me following behind.

"Yes of course father, I just need to say goodbye to everybody then I will be on my way" I said as we both stop in front of the group of assassin's waiting to see me off. We all say our goodbyes and I head out to try to find some way to jog my memories.


I wake to a man named rolaf saying something about being captured. Then lokir starts saying he should be in hammerfeld and me and him should not be here.
I start to freak out internally trying to calm myself when the guard pulling the wagon tells us to shut up.

"What is wrong with him" says lokir. Rolaf screams" that is ulfric stormcloak."

At that point me and lokir both know we are heading to our death. With knowing this news I am able to calm down knowing I cannot die from a simple head chopping, but lokir freaks and starts raising his voice.
After calming down rolaf asks lokir where his is from. Rolaf asks because he thinks a last thought should be of home. So I think and I try thinking maybe my journey will be shorter than I thought, but... I can't think of anything.
Lokir starts praying to the gods as Rolaf starts cursing the imperials as we await to be killed...."why are we stopping" asks lokir.

"Why do you think end of the line."lets not keep the gods waiting shall we" replies Rolaf.

okir. Starts screaming we are not rebels as the read off a list of people to make Shure everyone is here imperials and the damned lists. Lokier then runs of and gets him self killed" fucking idiot" I mutter under my breath and Rolaf laughs at me. Then hadvar then looks at me and asks me who I am. Knowing that I am not on the list I am reluctant to tell him, but knowing that it will be better in the long run to just give my name. I give off a lot of confidence and a royal air saying "I am celeste."

Hadvar exclaims towards the captian say that I was not on the list, and the captain tells him to send me to the block anyway.
As I walk towards the other prisoners general tallius starts griping and ulfric or some other Bullshit then a loud tour erupts almost like a mix of a loin and a bear fighting each other.
Tallius tells everyone to carry on and for the priestess to give us our last prayer but one of the stormcloaks just yell at her to shut up and to get this over with. He is the first to be decapitated.
Rolaf says that he was fearless about everything he did and a worthy person to fight along side. Then I am called up to the block to be killed. As a sit waiting for the axe to go through my throat and huge fucking black Dragon appears shooting his way through helgen. I quickly get up and run with Rolaf to escape knowing this is the best Damn distraction I will ever get.
We both run into a tower when we run into ulfric. "What is happening, could the legends be true" says Rolaf.

"Legends don't burn down villages" replies ulfric. As we head up the tower the Dragon breaks throughout the wall blocking our way to the top but opening our way so we can jump to the building next to the tower.

When I get of the burning house I find hadvar protecting a little boy. Tells me" still alive prisoner, stick close to me if you want to stay that way."

As we run though the rubble and destruction we end up running into Rolaf where I am forced to pick if I want to go with hadvar or rolaf. Inevitably choosing if I want to join the stormcloaks or the imperialist. Knowing I do not have much time and I must choose quickly I run with hadvar since the fight for everyone is better than the fight for myself, but that last battle comes another day.

The first room we come to when entering the keep hadvar cuts me loose, and tells me to get some armor and a weapon. I do so knowing all my gear is lost and not wanting to reveal my vampirism just yet I reluctantly grab horrible armor and weapons so I am not completely defenseless. I grab two iron swords and the imperial armor that resides in the chest I am told to look in. As I equip the objects hadvar pulls a chain to open a door.

We run through the keep running into stormcloaks who only want to fight us. So I pull my dual swords and prepare for a fight.

Bad car takes one of the stormcloaks as I get the other. The room is filled with metal clashing on metal from both parties. I take some damage but end up victorious as does hadvar; Suprprising in this shity armor. When our opponents are defeated we head through the next door knowing we need to keep going forward. As we head down the steps a loud crash is heard and the hallway collapses right before our eyes giving us only one way to go. I rush into the next room knowing there will probably be more foes to defeat and knowing I can bring out more strength this time I quickly kill the two enemies in the room. Bad car then tells me to grab some potions and keep going.

The next door leads us to the torture room "the torture room gods I wish we didn't need this" hadvar explains.

The torturer and guard are fight me and hadvar rush in to help them. I then grab use full things while hadvar tries to convince them both to leave with us.

We head out once more this time reaching a cave surrounded by stormcloak so I charge in fight anyone who crosses my path. Once they are defeated we go up to e bridge that must be put down by a lever. After we pull it we run into another portion of the cave and come face to face with a bear. Not really wanting to tangle with the bear I choose to crouch around it and sneak my way out of the rest of the cave.

Once we are out of the cave the Dragon flies over pur heads as we duck to stay hidden. Once the Dragon passes hadvar stands and looks at me saying "my uncle is the blacksmith in river wood, I am Shure he will help you out. It is probably best if we split up, good luck."

So I guess that is where I will be heading river wood my next stop.
That's it chapter one done. I don't know when I will have chapter two up and ready. Not even Shure if I will start back up where I left off or skip a bunch of stuff and get to where the plot thickens.

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