Chapter 3

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The next morning I was awoken by the many chickens that cluttered Riverwood. Sitting up I look around. Quickly not remembering exactly where I am at. Once I gain my thoughts I realize where I am at. I throw the covers off of me and almost fall over as I jump out of the bed. I start to get dress when I hear sigrid calling me for breakfast, as she walks down the stairs to where I am at. I quickly answer, "Of course! I will be there in a minute I am getting dressed."

"Good an early riser I am not the only one anymore; I swear Avlor, Hadvar, and my daughter would sleep all day if I let them." Sigrid says exasperatedly.

I chuckled while I finish getting dressed, I then follow her upstairs and sit at the table and eat slowly as Sigrid wakes the others up. As I am eating, I cannot help but laugh some more as each one of them groan in the exact same way when they are awoken. Hadvar is the first to get up and sit next to me at the table and starts eating. "Ugghhh how are you awake? It is way too early in the morning for anyone to be up," he says.

Laying his head on the table, he slowly eats in that position. I smile slightly and pour a cup of coffee for him. I slide it to him till it slightly hits his head, and I say, "Here this will help.... After breakfast I think I should head out to Whiterun."

"Thanks, if that is what you think is best just don't forget that we need you to talk to the jarl about sending troops out here," he says while sipping on his coffee.

Feigning hurt I say ",Do you not hold any trust in me, I will not forget do not worry!"

He smiles and continues to eat. Several minutes later everyone is up and has eaten their fullest contempt, and they are all standing at the door ready to send me off. As I start to walk down the road in the direction they pointed me to, I can hear them all saying goodbye. I turn around one last time to wave and say goodbye back, as they wave back at me. As I turn back to the direction I am going, I cannot help the smile that is on my face while I am walking down the road towards Whiterun.

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