Chapter 2 - The Black Shadow

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As soon as I entered the room, a black shadow rushed through my room and disappeared down the red and black hole on the ground.


W-what was that?! Why was a demon in my room?! I now that this house is protected by the heavens, so how can this be?! It must have been a powerful one, but still.... The shield should have been powerful enough...

"You will be next.." I read it out loud. But what does that mean?

I hear footsteps coming towards my room. It's my mum. Who else would it be? I don't have a dad nor a sister... At least that's what I think...

"Katherine? Are you sure you will be ok by yourself?"

I go out my room quickly and close the doors behind me.

"Yes, I will be and I said that you don't have to bother coming to check on me!" I say that with a mature voice but trying not to make her angry. She's the only family that I have left...

"I know, but I also came to ask you what do you want for dinner? I'll make something you like." She said with a peaceful voice and I was quite shocked because she usually shouts at me.

"Really? Then I apologise for my rudeness. Could we have my favourite? Thank you."

I have to admit, I was rude by saying that but now I just need her to go away because of what's happening in my room.

She was surprised.


As she went downstairs, I watched her walking. Now... That she went, what am I gonna do with that writing on the wall? I'll probably ask The Lord about what on earth is going on.

"Mum!! Don't come to my room no matter what!! Okay?!" I can't let her in my room especially now.

"Sure...?" From her voice tone, I figured out that she was confused.

I'll still lock the door just in case. And now... where's the spell book? Ugh... I need to tidy this mess again... ah! Found it! Spell for portal... portal... found it! Ok... Let's do it. Wait.... Ugh, again... What's wrong with me today?! Where is my holy feathers...? Found them, now...
"May the holy feathers get released as they open up ways to heaven....."
Haven't used this spell for long... And the the light is so bright as always...

As I step in, I hear the angelic voices. The sweet and calming music.

As I walk, I hear newbie angels talking about what I'm doing here and how shameful for an angel not to have wings... Once again... I literally don't CARE!!! I'll just give them a scary glare.
As I walked past them, giving them evil look, they got quite scared. Fine... That's good. Let them know that I don't have time for stupid talks like that...

When I reached the Royal Department, I went to My Lord, I got ready for whatever he'll have to say.

"My Lord." I kneel down.
"Yes, Katherine? What is it that is that is bothering you?" The Lord said it seriously like he always does.

"Would you please explain what happened in my room?! What was that thing and how did it get in there?! You told me that my house safe?!" I raised my voice, knowing it's forbidden.

"Please explain the situation first since I haven't received any reports about it."

"What?! No one have told you about this... Has anyone heard about it?"

Silence took over...

"Anyone?" This can't be..... I didn't think of this...

"How about you explain what happened and we will sort it out. Hm?" The security chief said since it's his fault... I think...

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