Chapter 3 - The Strange Voices

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Ugh..... Still Monday morning and I want to go home now.... It's really boring... The charm seemed to give me strength to stay in school. Its colour reflected the sun making it shine in my eyes. It's truly stunning.


"Yes?" I said it as I turned around to see who was calling me.

No one was behind me...

Huh? Was it my imagination? I swear I heard something. The voice was like a male that called me out and it was so clear and loud enough to think it was a real person. That's weird. Oh well. I need to go to the class now. Let's see... What do I have now? ......Really..... English? The worst lesson EVER... Especially the teacher... Mrs. Vera probably can't survive a moment without shouting at the class...


"If you want to pass the exam, use this sheet that has the structure of the paragraphs for your essay." Mrs. Vera said it with her irritating voice.

"Katherine.... I know who you are.... You can't hide from me...."


What on earth is going on? This was the same voice as this morning... This is quite weird...

"Pst... Katherine..." On my left, a boy called me and carefully gave me a note. I opened it and it said:
"If you don't mind me asking but do you like someone?"
I felt my cheeks getting red. Why does he want to know? I mean, it's not his business to know is it. More importantly, I don't even know him, do I?

I put up a serious face so he doesn't suspect me and replied:

"No, and anyway why do you care?"

I passed it to him and then some boy shouted out:

"Mrs. Vera! Katherine and Gabriel are passing notes around!"

She turned around and got furious and began to shout like a mental person:
"Excuse me?! How dare you pass around notes in my class?! Do you expect me to just ignore you two?!" Literally the whole class stared at me and him. Even Jace was there...

"I will be sending your names to the head of school and your parents as well! This is unacceptable!"

"Are you sure it was a note?" Gabriel began.
"You know that she wouldn't go as far as passing notes around."

"How dare you to talk back?!"

"I'm not. I'm just saying the truth. All she did was ask for a rubber, that's all. No need for that drama, is it?" He wasn't even scared to talk to her... Amazing...

She got furious even more but she stopped herself from shouting. I have to say, that was something new.

"Well.... If I see you two passing around something, no matter what it is, I will report you! Understand?"

"Yes yes... Whatever..."

"Now... Let's get back to the lesson..." She turned back to the board writing some tips for the coming exam.

"Pst.... Katherine... Let's talk after the lesson... Ok?"


~Break time~

"Katherine! Wait!"

"Oh, it's you." Again him... I don't know why, but he gives off a demonic vibe... Feels uncomfortable but he seems nice thought...

"Soo... What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh... It's just I want to get to know you more... You know... It's our last year after all... I want to leave knowing a lot of people..." He said it looking down. That's SOOO CUTE!!!!

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