Chapter 6 - The Creature

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"And I feel strange... Like something is trying to take over my mind... Like a shadow is fighting me..."


I woke up by the sound of my alarm but with a pain in my chest... I wonder why... But surprisingly, this night was peaceful - I didn't have that dream of that girl and man... Oh well... I guess even dreams can stop after some time. I checked the time and thank god I had time to get ready.

I stood up and walked toward my closet to get some clothes. I then went to the bathroom and finally went to grab something to eat.

When I walked out of my house, the image of the weird creature flashed through my eyes. What was it? Nobody told me about this type of creature to exist. I guess I will be needing to go and ask about it. And about my feathers... Their colour... Sight... Right now I need to concentrate on how I look, otherwise the same thing will happen, like yesterday. Julia and Jace being worried about me... I don't want to be a burden to them... Let me just listen to some music... Maybe this will bring my mood up.

Before I could unlock my phone, Jace was calling me. Weird...

"Hell-" I couldn't even finish my sentence, I was interrupted...

"Stop where you are... Don't move..."

I froze.

"J-Jace... What's wrong...? Why do you sound like you're about to murder someone..?"

"Just do as I say... Don't look around... Wait..."

I felt my heart skip a beat... I feel so pathetic... I'm scared of Jace getting hurt but I can face most dangerous demons by myself... But whatever come to him... I'm scared...


As I stood there, stuck to the ground, someone jumped from behind me and grabbed me as hard as they can... I felt like passing out... But I gathered my strength and turned around to see.... Jace... Really...

"YOU IDIOT!!!" I slapped him hard, but not too hard knowing my real strength... But he obviously laughed until he let out some tears.

"Omg... I can't believe it... My stomach hurts... Hahahahaha..... Ahhhh..." He stopped but giggled a bit more.

"Do you know how scared I was?!" My heart is still racing like hell.

"I'm sorry but I just felt the need to do that since I saw you." He smiled at me with that beautiful smile of his... I couldn't help but blush just a tiny bit... AWKWARD....

"Well... Don't do that again if you don't want me passing out on the street!?" I smacked his head lightly.

"Ouch!" Jace made it sound like it hurt but I just laughed at him.

"Oh yeah, where's Julia?" I looked around.

"Oh she's not coming to school today... I thought you knew... She said she's going to call you."

I checked my phone to see... There was few missed calls from her... "I didn't heard it... Anyway, let's go, we have wasted enough time because of certain SOMEONE'S urge to scare people to death!" We laughed and started walking.

But then I sensed the same feeling as yesterday... As if someone was watching me... A familiar one... It's that beast I didn't know... I have a bad feeling about this...

I hope Julia is ok....

Today, I don't have any lessons... Some workshop was going on about something, nobody told us. But any way... Better than those boring lessons.

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