Broken Hearts and Mirrors

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I wasn't sure on posting this one since it's a little... well sad and stuff but I am obviously posting it lol but that doesn't mean I might take this one down. I might do the same with some of my other imagines idk...

You were crying. Again. You were dating Harry for a year now. Today, you were a little self conscious and insecure. You decided to check Twitter to see what people wrote you. The reviews were mixed, half were good and half were bad. You looked up "Naya hate" and there you read all sorts of nasty comments like "How could Harry love you? Fat ugly whore." or "If he didn't put a ring on it now, he'll never put a ring on it 😂." The tears started up again, and they fell, warm cheeks on you face, they got to you.

You walked to the mirror thinking "No, this isn't right. Harry's the kind to take his time and not rush into things like marriage." You stood in front of the mirror and saw a disappointment. You saw an ugly, fat, whore, Harry's charity case was standing right in front of you. "I'm a monster!" You cried, punching the mirror. "I'm worthless, fat, ugly, bitchy, and not worth anything! I'm not worth it!" You signed, finally breaking the mirror. You fell to the floor, sobbing, staring at your hands through your tear filled eyes, blurring your vision. Your hands were bruised and cut, bits and pieces of broken glass in your hands and all around you.

Suddenly, the light turned on, and a concerned Harry was brung into light. He had a mixture of horrified, terrified, hurt, and angry look on his face. Of course he wasn't angry at you, but at himself.

"I let this happen..." He said, slowly walking up to you "I saw everything, and I let you do this..." He said, quietly, you scooting away from him. "I'm a terrible boyfriend Naya, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'll never be good enough."

"NO!" you cried. "I'm the one that'll never be good enough!!!! I'm fat, ugly, a charity case, I'm the worst thing you could possibly imagine!!" you sobbed.

Harry slowly and carefully picked you up. Carrying you bridal style to the bathroom he said "No. You're not. You're my angel. My perfect, beautiful little angel. Please don't ever say those nasty lies ever again." He sat you on the toilet seat, and picked out all the glass shards in your hands. Then he tended to your wounds, and bandaged up your hands. He then kneeled down so he was in eye contact with you. "I love you Naya. I will always truly love you. You and only you." He said, kissing your forehead before embracing you in a tight hug. "Please don't ever hurt yourself again." he said, pleading.

"Then you have to promise me you'll never hurt yourself again. I know some of your past and I heard from Gemma that you used to hurt yourself. Please baby, don't do it."

"I won't if you won't."

"Then I won't either." you said hugging him tight.

Harry ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora