Hidden Love Journal

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Today was the day now was the time: Harry finally found my journal. My journal was filled of pictures, memories, and other stuff about One Direction. I knew he would find it one day but I didn't think he would now. We have only been dating for six months and if he knew how I felt it would scare him away.

I did of course leave it on the window seat where I always write. I write there because it's peaceful and because I love watching the animals outside.

I left my journal there because I had just finished writing for the time being.

As I walked into the kitchen I could hear Harry reading, "I've been listening to this band for a while now and I'm pretty convinced that I'm going to get into this band that they'll be my favorite new band. There's five of them as I said and each of them has a different personality. Louis is a sassy, funny boy, Liam is a mature, protective member, Zayn is mysterious and artsy, Niall is random and very giggly and Harry.. Harry's a sweet guy: passionate, charming, a naked boy. He's very special but I think that's what draws me to him. I think he's my favorite. I guess we'll see when time goes by."

Harry turns to me with a raised eyebrow. "Welllll." He asked. "Am I still your favorite?"

"I don't know." I teased. "I mean Niall and Louis are close to me too..."

"Niall and Louis?" Harry asked. "Do Niall and Louis have eyes like these? Or arms like these?" Harry flexed.

"Do they hold you tight at night?" Harry said, squeezing me into him making me laugh.

"Or do they kiss you like I do?" Harry asked, kissing me all over my face making me laugh harder.

"Who's to say they couldn't?" I tease. Harry let go of my waist and stared at me in disbelief.

"I can't believe you're doubting me 'the one with the sexy plump pink lips and the thighs that could make me die.'" Harry said winking at me.

"Harry no!" I exclaimed. "You weren't supposed to read the newest parts they're embarrassing."

"Here," Harry said throwing the book back. "I know they look alike but you can read my book too. It's really really embarrassing."

I flipped to a page and read.

"Knock knock." I said.

"Who's there?" Harry asked, stepping behind me.


"Tulips who?"

"Two lips I-" I said, blushing and looking away.

"Two lips what? Finish the joke." Harry said, wrapping his arms around me before I could walk away.

"Two lips I- I wanna kiss." I read.

"Your wish is granted." Harry said, picking you up and kissing you all over. He dropped you on the couch and hugged you into him.

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