The Last Slice/ The Pizza Fight

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You and Harry were lazing it up. What I mean with that is that the two of you were being completely lazy. The two of you did not leave the house once this weekend, you stayed in sweatpants and a tank top, or for you it was leggings and a tank top. Occasionally a robe as well, same with Harry. The two of you did ABSOLUTELY nothing, just sleeping, watching tv, and being on your electronics.

The two of you ordered two pizzas, and that was the only thing you two would eat. Except for ice cream of course. You got up off the couch, slugging to the kitchen to get the pizza. Harry, however, was also dragging into the kitchen to get the pizza. You both stopped and looked at the pizza box: only one slice. You both looked at each other, game faces on. Harry dashed, trying to get the pizza, but you pulled him back. He stood up, going to return back to it, but you grabbed his legs and tripped him. You stood up and ran, getting a couple steps before Harry grabbed you and went for the pizza. Him, only paying attention to the pizza, loosened his guard, and you tickled him in the stomach, making him drop you. Harry then grabbed you by the arms and swooped you back, causing you to fall on the ground. Harry, then lowered himself, going over you on the ground and getting a devilish smirk.

"Okay, okay, you win, you win!" you squealed, laughing.

Harry stood up, "Really?"

You stood up too, "Never!" you screamed, jumping on his back. Harry grabbed your legs, wrapped around him, and released your grip on him, placing you down. You went to run to the box, but Harry grabbed your wrists, and held you in the air by them. He then went for the pizza. "Harry, no! Nonono I love you, but please, pizza is my favorite!"

Harry smirked, taking out a pizza cutter and cutting the slice in half. "Fine my fair Naya. You put up a decent fight, but next time I won't be so easy on you."

You playfully punched Harry in the arm. "I love you, you big jerk." you chuckled.

Harry looked at you in disbelief and shock, making you giggle,"Me? Naya? I'm so offended. I said next time I wouldn't go so easy on you." Harry sexily growled, tackling you to the ground.

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