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You and Harry were watching the news together in the afternoon. You were cozying up and ready to sleep on Harry's lap when suddenly he got up.

"Harry." You moaned. "I was just falling asleep why did you have to get up?"

"Sorry love I'm hungry." Harry said.

You sighed and waited for Harry to get back before getting comfortable again.

He brought back 4 bananas and sat back down, pulling your head onto his lap, and holding your waste in his one arm while holding the bananas in his other.

"What are you a monkey?" You said, sleepily and sassily.

"I'm King Kong!" Harry yelled. "I have my bananas and my girl and I rule the world!"

"You won't have your girl in a minute if you keep yelling."

"You can't escape my grasp." He said, holding you tighter.

You started to dose back asleep, but you just couldn't, and you had no idea why. If only Harry didn't move, but that boy had a mean relationship and passion for his bananas.

You looked up at your beautiful boy and giggled. Your giggles got louder, and Harry looked down with you, one eyebrow raised.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked as he was swallowing his banana.

"You-you- you look so serious and focused on the news while you're eating your banana." You laughed.

"Aren't you supposed to sleep?"

"Aren't you supposed to eat a banana? I didn't think deep throating a banana was eating it." You said causing Harry to blush.

"Oh shush you, I'm not hungry anymore." Harry said, throwing the banana in the trash can, making the perfect shot.

"Harry come on I didn't mean to upset you." You said.

"No, I'm angry." Harry said, dramatically getting up and walking away which made you laugh harder.

"Banana boy come on, stop moving off the couch."

"Stop laughing at me!" He laughed, coming back to you.

You went to get up and run, but Harry grabbed you and laid you down on the couch, you in his arms. He shut off the news and pulled the blankets onto you.

You both ended up smiling, and fell asleep, holding onto each other.

Harry ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now