Chapter 28

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You woke up by someone banging on your door, it was your spastic brother. God this kid is gonna have a bad time when he has to say his senior speech. You're not going to be surprised if he falls off the stage while saying it.
You head into the bathroom and brush you perfectly straight teeth with honey flavor tooth paste. You smile at the thought of it and look at your teeth. A nice white. Not even a hint of yellow.
You walk into the kitchen and grab a sallee box of cereal and head out. School is going to be rough.
You got to school and put your stuff in the locker and then go to the front steps to wait for that Ampora kid.
Moments later you find yourself staring down at Eridan. A perfect surprise!
You're not going to let him pass by you.
"H-Hey can you just go already?" Eridan said with a pissed off tone.
"Me? Leave? Nuh uh." You responded back but wanted him to get on his nerves.
Eridan got red in the face and started to talk to himself how he's had it and wanted to get to his locker.
Then you hear a booming yell come from Eridan's mouth.
"JUST GO!" He yelled and pointed somewhere off in the distant hallway.
You grinned ear to ear and snapped your fingers. Equius was holding Karkat by his ear, not letting go, while Karkat keeps on swearing up and down and spazzing out.
You looked over at them and nodded your head. Then said with a chirp in your voice. "Fix everything with the principal and the councilorth tho they know that we are 'friendth'" You did air quotes in friends. "Tho they can get off my back about being nicer to people or the kid getth it at the party tomorrow night." You chuckle and snap a look at Eridan. He was in distress and anger. He was trying to fit words in his mouth but that didn't stop you.
"JUTHT DO IT OKAY?!" You slam your hand to the nearest wall with a loud thud. Everybody around stopped what they where doing and looked over, but then shrugged and continued to their classes.
Eridan took a deep breath and then mumbled out, "Fine. I'll fix it, but where is the party?"
"You know the place." You smirked and  walked off with Equius and Karkat. You where having a party tomorrow at your place and everything will end.
After an eventful school day you made it back home with the same grin from earlier.
You opened your laptop and messaged Eridan.
"Can't wait for the party tomorrow. We will have a special guest coming. ;)"
It was Eridan. He was the special guest. He was the one that needs to...needs to

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