Sol and Eri Chapter 1

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Your name is Sollux captor and your phone is vibrating from last night. You don't even bother to check it because you are even hardly awake. You threw a party last night and everybody was there even this nerd called Eridan Ampora.
You get up off the ground and look around of how much damage there was of the party. There was cups here and there, with a little bit of vodka on the floor.
You search for your phone all over your house and finally gave up. Until it started to vibrate one more time and you run to to the kitchen. It was in the blender, thankfully not blended.
You grab the phone carefully out of the blender to see who has been texting or calling. You look at your horrid small yellow flip phone to see if it was damaged, luckily it wasn't.
You flip it open and you see messages galore and even a picture. You really don't care about the messages and just wanna know why somebody sent you a picture. You open the picture and you see you and the most nerdiest boy kissing each other.


You wake up feeling groggy and slightly confused. You are in the bathroom of Sollux Captor's house. You remember that you where at a party at his house last night.
You get up and open the bathroom door and start to head to the front door, until you hear Sollux's voice, "Who the fuck ith there?!" You quickly take a glance where the voice was coming from, the kitchen.
"I..." You pause for a moment. "I'm the one you hate remember?"
"Oh, it'th you." He seamed to be giving sarcasm to you. "Now get your beehind outta' my houthe. You'll regret what happened latht night!" He walks up to you and pushes you out the door. You really don't remember what happened last night, you wanna ask what happened but you don't want to talk to him right now.
You don't head home because you know you will only get questioned where you where and what happened last night. Plus you really don't want to see your older brother Cronus practically making out with his boyfriend Kankri. So you head to playground, just to find one of your friends there.

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