Chapter 23

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Sollux grabbed your wrists to pull you somewhere out of the house. You winced at the pain he made by grabbing one of many cuts on your arms. You didn't want him to know but hey he came into the hospital and saw you. Maybe he did know that you felt like this.

Sollux stopped and noticed that you where in pain. He looked at you and turned your wrist over to see what was there. You quickly looked away and pulled your arm as quick as you can, but he was stronger than you and you couldn't pull away. You where afraid of what he was going to say about them. 

It felt like you couldnt breathe. You where trapped under water and couldn't make it out back to shore. You where hopeless, just like a prince losing his mate. 

Sollux cursed to himself and sighed. "Thorry." 

It didn't help, you thought he knew about those. "I'm fine, dont w-worry about me." You lied.

He brushes the comment off and you guys where off to the park.


The park was a place of silence. You felt happy for once and you where with Sollux. So you guess that was a plus. 
"So w-what's w-with you likin' me anyw-ways?" You wanted to know. He hated you and you knew this. You needed to find the fucking answer before you where ready to kiss him goodbye. (As in leaving him in the park.) 

"Didn't I tell you before? I really didn't expreth my thelf in the right way at first. I want to thtart again all over. You know? Not a game over just a rethtart." You looked at him like he was crazy. What does he think life is? A fucking game? 

"W-what do you mean? This isn't a game you know-w. Quit playin' w-with my emotions Sol." You knew he was playing a prank on you. 

"I am not playing with your emotionth Im jutht telling how I feel." Fucking liar, lying sack of shit. 

"W-what ewer. Let's get going on our w-walk our w-where ewer you w-want to brin' me." You didn't want to go anywhere today, but you still began to walk with Sollux. You decided to think about different stuff.

You just felt like sitting at home and not talking to anybody because you knew that nobody will ever listen to your problems. Not even the counselors will listen to you at your school. You kept on saying inside of your brain that you wheren't supposed to even be here.

Cronus did once mention that you where a mistake, but that was back in your younger days. You knew you wheren't  a mistake. Your daddy loved you with all your heart and you know this. He used to watch Harry Potter movies with you and cronus. You began to tear up at the thought and you sniffled.

Sollux looked at you in confusion. "You okay there?" 

"Yeah like I said before I'm fine." 

You made it to the destination where Sollux wanted you to go. You looked up and it was a large white and burned up house. It looked abanoned and wrecked. 

Sollux swepted off the dirt and prided open the boards. Sollux led you inside with a door that used to be closed tight with boards. 

"This wath my girlfriendth house before thhe died, her name was Aradia." Sollux said in a depressed voice.

"W-what happened?" You felt sorry for the guy. He lost his girl and if you lost one you would be depressed. "Sorry about asking."

"Don't bother, you're even lucky for me to even let you into here. But thhe got killed in a fire, her and whole family. I felt thorry becauthe that was the day I didn't call first to go over. I dont want to continue the thtory or I'll just feel bad." 

The place was burnt to the core. Everything you saw was ashes. You entered the kitchen and saw a pot still left there on the stove in perfect condition. It creeped you out because of how burnt this place was this wasthe only thing not burnt.

"Sol w-what is this?" You where very confusused.

Sollux walked into the kitchen and looked at the pot with you. 

"I have no clue, maybe it'th a ghotht." He started to make ghost noises like 'OOooOOooOO' and scaring you randomly when you where looking at stuff around the house.

By the time you guys where done exploring the weird house it was almost sun set. You began to exit until you hear a loud clank. 

"Sol I know-w that's you." You looked around and didnt see Sollux. "W-where are you?" You entered the kitchen and nobody was there not even the pot. 

"AH!" You jumped at the loud noise to only see Sollux right behind you. 

"I knew-w it!" You said meanly.

You and Sollux left the house and went back to yours. 

Sollux left before you even knew it so, you went into the bedroom and started to sleep. 

You, Eridan Ampora, had a eventful day and are not ready to go back to school. Fuck, you didn't like school at all.

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