Chapter 11

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You sigh in your bed and you look at the guy in front of you. He gives you a weird look and said, "Tho you thay that you did go to that party? How wath it horrid? It wath the bomb!"
You nod your head an responded, "Didn't like it because" you paused "I really don't know-w. I remember that I got stuck in the bathroom and getting shov-ved out the door."
"Yes, there we go. Do you remember who thhoved you out the door?"
"I don't think so, he had some what kind of hair like yours. His hair looked so nice, tho." You sigh.
The guy starts going almost bonkers in front of you. You swear you could see red and blue lights flashing from his eyes, maybe he's bipolar. You feel like you should give him some time.
"Cronus, is there food? It feels like I hav-ven't ate since lunch."
"V-well you could buzz the nurse and ask her."
You nod and look at a remote on your lap and you push the button to call in the nurse. The nurse comes in right away and says, "What do you need sir?"
"Some food m-" You get cut of by your brother saying, "Hov-w you been sugar cakes?" He starts to comb his hair with his fingers and trying to impress her.
You roll your eyes and continued and the nurse looked displeased. "Sorry about him, but could I have some food?"
"Sure thing." she says while heading out of the room.
"W-what the heck Cro. W-why did you do that?"
The guy in the beanie comes up to you, "How do you not remember me?! In the guy that fucking bullied you in thchool because you where a nerd. Why am I even here? Fuck it!"
You finally realized, that was him. That was the guy. Sollux Captor. The school bully and never gave sorrow to the nerds.
"Get out of here, Sollux Captor. You ruined my life! This is why I am here. It was you all along!" You took a deep breath. "You bullied me all the way through school! I thought." You paused and Sollux runs out of the room.
"I thought I liked you." You shed a tear, then a bunch, after that you began to cry.

Un-wwanted lovve : ErisolWhere stories live. Discover now