Safe Haven for the Creatures of Light

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Rafael motioned for Master S to follow. Rafael pulled out a portal generator and tells Master Splinter to grab the baby turtles. They both headed into a cave like dome. It had as many magical creatures you could possibly think of. It read on a nearby lamppost: No mischievously active magical creatures here, only those that are good comes to the faith. There were even humans who had long wanted to learn about this Haven, whom were concerned about receiving answers.. The haven had no shadows there whatsoever..
" Welcome to the place where the magical and non-abominable creatures come to regenerate and start their lives anew." A man with a dove-like being beside him starts to greet. Many of the creatures there were angel-like beings who had long been awaiting their next orders from Almighty God... The angels silently prayed to God Almighty and just like that they received an order, causing each to joyfully proclaim to one another. Everything in that haven seemed to be alive. From nearby trees and forests, to the lands, the waters and the things in them. Master Splinter was so amused. He looked at his old scar and realized he had become a beautiful young mouse. This safe haven was unlike any other haven he had ever seen on earth.
" Rafael this place is amazing!" Master Splinter greeted.
" Here you become new and began to take control of your old self.. Here you prepare for the war that'll come.. The evil armies can't come here because this world is something that would knock the evil out of them..
" The armies have no access here..." Rafael truthfully noted to himself that they could be anywhere.. He doubted that this place was really safe....
Rafael and Master S turned their attention toward four lampposts that each had a different version than the last. One was frozen in effect, having a sapphire-bluish light. The other lampposts dealt with the other seasons besides autumn.
"Where's autumn?" Master Splinter questioned.
"Autumn is apart of fall here.." Rafael replied unknowingly, giving off an quizzical look himself.
Master Splinter had started to respond to Rafael's quizzical look until he noticed that Rafael had six wings growing out his back. Rafael fell in groaning pain causing him to transform into the other appearance. Everyone who had ever seen it happen ran and his into one of the seasons' caves.
Soon the angels came and encircled him. They shouted to each other in which no one could understand, causing silence to equip everyone nearby.. They laid their hands on Rafael, in order to calm him and like that Rafael transformed back into his normal-weird form the beautiful creature... Not the cute and cuddly turtle. The baby turtles were beginning to wake up.
" Rafael the babies are waking up!"

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