Years Later

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Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo are registered at Guardian High. 
Michelangelo pulls Master Splinter to the side.
" Don't you think it is a little weird for we turtles to go to a hu-man's school? You remember my anger issues of a certain word and words kin to it..... Master Splinter!" Michelangelo gives Splinter a worried look. Master S whispers:
" All you have to do is have self-control. Don't let it come out of you. You have to retain your form. And by the way, I hope you know this is a school for the Guardians. Basically you're a guardian since you protect planet earth from robotic ninjas..and things."
The two both said these words together:
" Where's the sun when we need her,
When her light is revealing her glory? May it be in us through Father God, amen."
The two noticed that there were famous Guardians, even new ones. There were even animals that went to school there, that's how they learned to speak English. Michelangelo knew it was the Safe-Haven in disguise. He even saw villains who were the bullies.
Bell rings.
" Have a good day at school boys, remember self control!" Splinter assured them with the best bear hug. So the boys went their separate ways. Michelangelo went to his class thinking about what Master S had just told him 5 minutes ago. He walks into his classroom and is greeted by his teacher. " Hello my sir-name is Mr. Scar and I am a lion who will be teaching you Basics on keeping your guards up and you are?"
" I am--" Scar interrupted.
" I know who you are."
" I understand your concern of my name sir, but--" Michel tries to speak, but is interrupted each time."
" Butt is just another word for a pipsqueak turtle like you. Hyenas stop your giggling, it's not polite to laugh during my association with a student. Now hurry on to your seats."
" Back to you Mr. Michelangelo. You are that little hero everyone has been talking about, hence the word little. You are a weakling." Michelangelo's blood began to boil. He rushed out the door, Scar giving him the evil eye. Michelangelo jumps into the air hoping for a rage frenzy. But one of Scar's students led an army of about ten to fight against Michelangelo. Michel's brothers jumped out in order to defend him, immediately getting a hammer to their faces. Michel's immediate re-action made everything in his perspective go very slow. He planned his attack and reacted, while planning in his head, so he wouldn't have to transform into that beast. He noticed all the villains he had learned of so far: Slender Man, Pitch(Rise Of The Guardians), Loki, His Opposite, Lucifer's Minion, Some type of Glamorous horse that has fur as black as night, fangs like a lion's, and eyes as red and dark as blood, along with four more demonic creatures working with some of their power and dominion. Michel felt light from above, knowing Scar was just a way to get him to lose control of his anger. Thor came to Michel's aid letting him know that he wasn't really a God but a lesser "god". A few angels came, some being unlikely beauties, along with Sandy. Another creature appeared having the form of a horse as white as the purest snow, fur being like a polar bear's along with teeth being like a sword that could pierce through anything. The creature's eyes glowed and were like the sun.

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