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A tall gentleman with an accent mustache and white mask cut in where you and sino were dancing. "um excuse me sir...." You were being separated from sino. The gentlemen finally left you alone. You look around to see if you recognize anyone.you saw a boy with blue hair staring at you from afar. "he looks familiar" you thought.
You tried  approaching him but he walked away. You followed him into to the moonlit garden. You finally found him he was looking up at the sky .
"um.... excuse me do I know you ? "you said. " tonight am know as Einsatz " he replied." The sky sure looks pretty tonight" you said. "Yes, yes it does" he replied, "but not as pretty as you"
You blush and attempt to say thanks, but your lips are glued shut.
He puts his hand over his heart. "I feel something here? What is it this? Is it from you?"

( to be continued.... Hope you like chapter 7 .
Sorry it's so bad ( ;)Thank you ShinyZinEater for helping me out
Please comment I need ideas)

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