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Leaving on a whim wasn't something I ever did. I had convinced Harry to leave over the weekend instead of that very night. I had responsibilities that I couldn't just neglect in the name of fun. I was still an adult and had to think logically about decisions I made concerning my business.

Putting my bag in the back of Harry's car seat I sat down next to him in the passenger seat. Taking in a deep breath I closed my eyes feeling Harry's stare on me.

"I promise you won't regret this." He told me touching my hand that laid in my lap.

"I've never left Portland." I told him again even though he already knew this fact about me.

"I know, but, I'm going to show you that change is a good thing. It will be a great adventure!" He offered a smile while I couldn't help but return it. Biting my bottom lip a smile formed on my lips instantly.

Getting myself comfortable for the hour drive out of the city I settled myself into the passenger. My feet propped up on the dash board while I slumped into the seat.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend before?" The question came to me while we listened to Young the Giant a band Harry and I both had a mutual love for.

"Of course I have. Have you? I mean have you ever had a boyfriend?" Harry swayed the question back to me.

"Yeah, what was her name?" Once Harry had answered the question I began to wonder about the girl he once called his own.

"Nora Bains. She was my first and my last love." I saw that Harry was opening up to me and I wanted to milk this for as long as possible.

"What happened between you two?" I doubted he would ever answer this and would only twist the question back to me.

"I was a naive stupid kid." He shook his head and I was surprised to the fact that he had somewhat answered the question.


"I believed for so long that she loved me. I convinced myself that she loved me as much as I loved her and she didn't. She didn't so much as give me the time of day when she walked out." My heart began cracking in my chest for Harry.

I didn't know the full extent of the story but from what I gathered he was in love with a girl that didn't return the same feeling. He loved her and when she finally walked away he was left heartbroken over a girl he gave his heart too.

"Is that why you don't believe in love?" I followed up wondering if that was the root of his non existent love belief.

"Partly. I stopped believing love was possible when..." He stopped on his train of thought looking over at me.

"When what?" He put his eyes back into the rode parting his pink lips to speak.

"Where do you come from when you come to the Hideout every Thursday?" I froze a bit when the question was asked by knew it was only fair for me to give him an answer. He had opened up to me partly and I felt the need to do the same.

"I umm..." I cleaned my throat taking in a deep breath. "I have a therapist to help me cope with some things."

"Why didn't you want to just tell me that? I don't care!" He looked at me with a puzzled look as to why I withheld the simple information.

"I was embarrassed, and I didn't want you to treat me like everyone else." I shook my head with a weak smile painted over my lips.

"What do you mean? How do others treat you?" I could see the curiosity brewing in his head.

"You're the first person I've met that doesn't treat me like I'm some glass doll that needs careful handling. Everyone around me always is tip toeing around me careful not to break me and I hate it."

"Why would they do that?" Harry was asking more questions that were slowly revealing Kait.

"Because of what they know." I answered vaguely.

"And what do they know?"

"Everything that happened that night." I tried to give vague answers not wanting to say too much in this drive to the cabin.

Once I began to shake off the rest of his questions we arrived into the thick green forests of Tillamook. I sat up with my eyes glued to the window as big green pines and other trees passed us by outside.

"This is beautiful!" I commented placing my hands on the glass keeping my eyes on all the green nature just outside the glass.

"Just wait till we get to the cabin!" Harry told me while we kept driving through all the greenery. I was glad that Harry had pushed me to come out here with him.

Coming to a rock path driveway the cabin came into view. Excitement made my heart beat faster and a smile spread into my face.

"We're here!" Harry looked over at me taking off his seat belt and smiling at me.

Quick to get out of the car and stretch my legs I ran to his side. Walking up to the cute cabin that sat in the perfect spot inside the forest Harry's hand attached to mine. Hand in hand we made our way up to the door while Harry then took the keys to unlock it.

The cold air the cabin ha contained in it gave me the shivers as I saw my breath.

"It's freezing!" I shook a little trying to keep warm next to Harry.

Looking around at the decorated cabin it gave a homey cozy feel to it with its decor and atmosphere. While Harry fiddled with the thermostat I began exploring the bedroom and other areas of the cabin. I stopped walking down the hall to the bedroom seeing pictures of Niall and his family plastered on the walls. I even found Harry in a few pictures with Niall and his family, the two six year olds smiled for the camera while the photo was taken of them fishing.

"What are you looking at?" Harry came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and laying his head on my shoulder.

"How old were you there?" I pointed the pictures of the two little boys.

"Niall and I were six years old. His father took is fishing for the first time." I glanced over at Harry seeing him smile at the fond memory.

"Your really close to Niall aren't you?" I asked Harry turning around with Harry's arms still around my waist.

"He's like my brother. They took me in when I had no one." Harry had a sad smile and I gave him a hug, closing the space between us.

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