The Legend

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   There is an old legend... one that tells of a guardian of a certain forest that is close to the outside of the walls.  Enemy, Ally, Titan, or Human?  No one really knows who or what the guardian is, but a certain blond is eager to find out.

   Before Armin Arlert's grandfather was sent with the rest of the refugees to try and reclaim Wall Maria, he gave his young grandson a book.

   But this wasn't just any book– it contained information on the so-called "guardian" of the Forest of Giant Trees. There is a section upon which the book explains that the guardian may even be summoned!

   But beware... for those who disturb the Guardian's sleep shall pass a trial, in which no normal human can pass by ordinary means....

"If you are to summon the Guardian, be wary of its power, for you must have an important matter regarding the forest in order for you to gain it's aid... and if you don't, then may death welcome you as the Guardian's wrath descends upon all who have foolishly summoned it..."


Armin Arlert has read the book his grandfather gave him more times than he can count, even more times than any other book he's read. He takes the warning scrawled in the back of the book seriously, but sincerely hopes that he will get to experience the wonder of seeing, and maybe even summoning, the Guardian.

Oh, Armin, don't you know that you have to be careful with what you wish for?

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