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Spark's P.O.V

   After my grand finishing statement, I am able to take a tour of the Survey Corps' HQ on the order of Eyebrows under the alias of a new Cadet.  As I was leaving his office, the Commander had asked me if I had been inside the walls once– apparently something I said had given me away.  I managed to avoid the question, but I could tell that the Captain wasn't satisfied with my successful get-away from the situation.

   "–ark?  Spark?  Anybody hoooome?"  I shake my head and face Hanji, who is the one giving me the tour and telling me about all sorts of things.  Taking in the information has become second on my list of priorities– my first is reeling in my anger, which still threatens to burst forth from my earlier meeting.

   "I'm sorry, Hanji, I'm just thinking about my past..."  I opt to lie, not knowing if I can confide in the woman just yet.  My head drops as I look at the floor, and my shoulders slump as one particular person comes to my mind– Farlan.  The Military Police guard with the same name was so kind and has a personality that's so parallel to Farlan's himself that I can't help but remember the dirty-blond who had always been by my side.  It's strange for me to run into someone with so many similarities to my kin, but I choose to focus on the good memories rather than the bad ones.

   "Well then, why don't we go to my office next?  I'm sure you'll like it~"  I can tell the brunette is trying to cheer me up in her own way, and I'm happy that someone actually... cares.  Companionship has only been a familiar to me through the animals in the Forest; and the animals weren't very good conversation holders in the first place.  I'm very tempted to take her up on her offer, no matter how skeptical I am, but I have my own agenda– and want to stick to it.

   "Thanks, Hanji.  I really appreciate you trying to cheer me up, but I want to meet with someone in town.  Will that be all right?"  She seems to think for a moment before shrugging.

   "I think it's okay as long as no one catches you."  I smile deviously at her, catching onto the hidden meaning of her statement easily.

   "So that's means I'll have to sneak out?"  She gives me an equally devious smile.  My heart blooms as an easy bond is established between us, both with a love of mischief.

   "I believe that's the only way to get out of here, really."

   I can tell we are going to be best friends.


   I'm able to get out of the Survey Corps' Headquarters without any trouble.  Hanji said I'd have to be back in about an hour, but I am confident I can find the person I'm looking for before then.  I decide to go to the place where I first saw him– and after about ten minutes of anxious waiting, I spot him walking towards me down the street.  The Military Police are required to patrol the streets in shifts and I knew he would be here eventually, but I didn't know when exactly.  I feel a spark of relief ignite in me as he approaches and recognizes me, a smile making its way on to his face.  There is a short, painful stab at my heart as my memories play tricks on me; I see a version of my Farlan overlap with this one, but the image fizzes out quickly.  I shake the illusion away and smile back as he reaches me, saying,

   "Hello, Mr. Farlan."  He laughs awkwardly.  He lifts a finger to his cheek to scratch at a spot below his cheekbone, a nervous habit probably, I wonder.  Farlan replies,

   "Please just call me Farlan, using formalities makes me feel old."  I chuckle in response.  My weight shifts forward and back as I balance on the balls of my feet, the very projection of an innocent teenager I hope to appear as.

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