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The Guardian

As I walk through the streets early in the morning the next day, I marvel at the buildings, and the people that pass me every now and then. They give me weird looks since I must look creepy with my bangs still hanging over half my face, but I don't care. The architecture of the buildings is a sight compared to the broken and demolished villages outside the walls.  My feet are able to feel he smooth cobblestone of the pavement beneath me, and I like the smell of food wafting through the air.  I don't really need to eat, per say, but it smells delicious!  I spin in place to better absorb my surroundings.  It's like a whole new world from the world with Titans; everything is so peaceful here....

"HEY YOU! STOP!" At first, I think whoever had yelled is talking to me, but when I face forward there's a man dressed in rags racing right towards me.  His eyes are wide and desperate, the black of his pupils nearly completely swallowed by the brown of his irises.  Greasy hair is practically plastered to his head, and in his hand is clutched an item I can't distinguish.  The man is breathing heavily and running as if he is being chased by Titans, and I frown as he approaches.  He is followed by two other men with uniforms that have a unicorn stitched into the left breast of their jackets.  I immediately crinkle my nose in distain, feeling the urge to pick a fight bubble within me.

The Military Police.

The man in rags is clearly desperate, and it sparks a memory within me.


"Spark, come on! Run faster!" The urgency in his voice is real, and I try to pump my legs faster, the adrenaline rush from earlier leaving me.  My breaths are coming quicker, my legs weakening as my chest begins to constrict.  I feel helpless as my throat feels prickly from my lack of air.

"I can't! Farlan!" Farlan is a few steps in front of me, and he's still running high on energy.  His strength and urgency leads him to pull ahead of me more, making me panic.  The arms swinging at my sides fell useless, as if they are doing nothing to help me gain speed.

"Hurry up, Spark! They're catching up!" As he says these words though, Farlan pulls ahead too far.  I feel fingers brush agains the back of my shirt, and before I can jerk away they hold tightly to me.  The grip is unyielding, and I stare fearfully at Farlan's retreating back as he speeds up only as time seems to slow for me.  A scream lodges itself in my throat as I'm pushed to the ground. "Spark!" Farlan is about to stop and try to rescue me, but I shake my head, tears streaming down my face.

"Run Farlan, it's too late for me! GO!" After a moment of hesitation, the brunette turns on his heel and runs away, calling over his shoulder,

"I promise we'll see each other again someday, Spark! Mark my words, I'll find you!" And with those words, he disappears around the corner, still being pursued by the strange men in black.  Whoever is holding me down presses my head harshly against the ground.  I whimper as my cheek digs into the dirt, my tears leaving trails through the dust in my face.  I don't see Farlan again, and I hope he escaped.

After that, everything goes dark.

Flashback End

As the man comes closer to me, I focus my mind.  It takes a lot of effort, since it's something I don't do very often, but I manage to successfully project my thoughts to him.

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