Chapter 20

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So okay I know I’m going abit off topic now but you’ll get where it is going hopefully and Lucy Blake Keeley and Shannon are all going to be back in it as well

Chapter 20

---------Back at home-------------  

“So as you know me and the boys have got the big world tour coming up in fact it starts in Birmingham tomorrow and I want you and Aofie to come along and support us and if you want your friends can come along as well for the journey” said Niall

“I would love that babe, you say it starts tomorrow as well you haven’t given me much time to prepare have you babe, I’m going to have to get on the phone to all the girls now then if there coming” said Michaela

“I’m sorry its short notice babe yh you go and get on the phone then because it’s going to be an early start as we have got to do a run through of the concert ready for tomorrow and we have got to be at the NIA at to 7am tomorrow so the girls will have to meet us there” said Niall

“Okay I will tell them that” said Michaela

--------------On the phone to the girl’s group phone call------------------ (Don’t know whether you can actually do then but oh well in my story you can)




“Hello its Michaela”

“Heyy stranger haven’t heard from you in like forever” said Blake

“Heyy Mickie” said Lucy, Shannon and Keeley in sync

“I know I know and I’m sorry but I have got some good news, me and Niall have got together and we have got our little girl back, Aofie and Niall has got a world tour starting tomorrow night in Birmingham and has said if I want you girls can come along on the tour to keep me company and also get to meet your kind of niece as well, so what do you say” said Michaela

“Yes, yes, yes and million times yes, you don’t understand how much we have missed you and now we have got another little girl to meet as well can this day get any better” said Blake

“Did I mention it starts tomorrow so you have got to pack your bags now because we have got to be at the NIA at like 7am so I’ll let you go now and don’t forget anything have fun packing” said Michaela

“I’m sure we will and we can’t wait now so excited” said Shannon

---------End of phone call--------------

“So how did they take it?” said Niall

“I think they took it really good they sounded excited and they are coming I’ve told them not to forget anything and what time they have got to be ready for” said Michaela

“Okay I think we better go and pack now then hadn’t we babe?” said Niall

“Come on then and maybe later we can have some fun before we have to go tomorrow” said Michaela

“I love you babe, why are you so perfect?” said Niall


So okay the other girls are back in the story and one direction have got the tour

I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in s long I’ve had exams to concentrate on but I haven’t got any more now until November and I think this book might be finished by then I don’t know

Love you guys so much thankyou for being patient

willowtreeangel97 AKA Shannon Hooper

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