Chapter 1: We are Siriusly from the Future

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Heyyy i'm back!!!

Sirius's POV

"You're from the future?" I said amusingly. "Yeah right." These kids probably did some special effects to prank us. But about the time turner...The children just stared wide eyed.

"We'll prove it" says a Lucius Malfoy look alike. "These guys are the next generation of your children anyway"

"Wait our children? Who do i end up with?" Even though this might be a prank, I want to know who they think I will end up with. I saw Marlene, she looked curious too.

"We'll explain that soon." Mini Malfoy said.

"Just so you know my grandparents are James and Lily Potter!" James look alike piped up.

"HOLY CRICKET! UGHHH!" Evans shrieked.

"Shut up James!" Mini Evans glared harshly to the James look-alike.

I would've guessed those two were siblings after all they started to bicker and glare at each other. I scanned the faces of the children and a lot of them looked just like us. I couldn't find a person who looked like me though. I guess I didn't have any kids if they're telling the truth. Nobody looked like Marlene or Mary either. I wonder why I didn't end up with anybody. Maybe it's because my kids aren't here. Yeah that's it.

"Lets just explain this in a more comfortable area, after all this is going to be a long story" Not-Alice explained and gestured for us to sit on the couches and chairs by the brick fireplace.

Future Alice's POV

Once everybody sat down and got comfy i took a deep breath and began: "Well I know this is a lot to take in but please try not to freak out. My name is Alice Longbottom and no i'm not that Alice" I pointed to the light blonde haired girl sitting down with wide eyes.

"Anyway before we came here we were having celebratory dinner at the Potter Manor because their cousin just got engaged but we'll talk about that later. Then you guys probably broke the time turner and probably since you dove for cover you weren't surrounded by the purple dust that surrounded us." I took another deep breath and continued:

"So I guess the dust went to the next, next generation of the Potters, Lupins and Longbottoms since we have more children then the last generation. The Weasleys were also with us so that's why they came too but i'm not sure if this information is true i'm just guessing" I finished and watched the Marauders era generation stare in shock at the news they just received.

"C-can you introduce yourselves please?" a petite brown haired girl I recognized as Mary Macdonald from one of the pictures Lily showed me of her grandmother when she was in school.

"Okay sure ladies first" (F) James pointed at me. I rolled my eyes but started anyway:

"Alice Frankie Longbottom Ravenclaw 7th seventh year, also chaser and captain of the quidditch team. My parents are Luna and Neville Longbottom. I have two Gryffindor fourth year brothers over here named Lorcan and Lysander."

(Since you read my first book you know all the introductions =D) TIME SKIP OOOOOOOoOOOOOOooOOoOOOOooooOOOoooooOOoOOOoooOoOOOOoo

After everybody introduced themselves it was past bedtime but from what I heard from (P) James it was a weekend tomorrow. The other marauders and friends of (P) Lily were going to have a sleepover at their friend's dorm so we decided to camp out in the living area of the common room.

(P) Alice came up to me and said: "Um well it's great to know i married Frank and had a son with him I guess (She explained it to her) but it's nice to see a mini me well kinda future me. Even though i'll see you soon anyway." Then I realized the ugly truth. We didn't tell them the thing. I wasn't there when the others traveled back in time the first time but Dom told me all about it.

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