Chapter 10

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When I finally woke up, light was streaming through my window, shining onto my sweat-covered face. I had slept in; it looked like it was around noon. I was glad Faith had put the bandages around my stomach, because that saved me from cleaning the sheets again to attempt to get the bloodstains off. On unsteady feet, I made my way to the bathroom, and I unwound the strip of my shirt that had been used as a makeshift banadage.The wounds looked gruesome, although they were no longer bleeding. They weren’t that large or deep, Faith had showed up early enough to spare me from any real damage.

I took out my First aid kit from the cupboard, and disinfected the wounds, before Appling some real bandages. I treated all the minor cuts and scrapes, and wiped the sweat off my brow before getting dressed and walking downstairs. My parents, oddly, were nowhere to be seen. I ate my breakfast alone, and in peaceful, tensionless silence. It was a weekend, so my parents should have been home, but they were nowhere to be seen, and I was glad. I wouldn’t have to explain to them the way I had to rush to bathroom to change my bandages, and how I kept clutching my torso in discomfort. I didn’t mind having the day alone, and the house all to myself.

I spent the day alone, watching T.V and trying to eat. I busied myself with daily things, and tried not to think about cutting. Honestly, I think I’ve shed enough blood today. So, I tried to distract myself with other things, I did the laundry, washed the dishes, watched T.V. and went on the computer. I was there, on the internet, when my parents walked in the door. I tip-toed down the stairs, hanging over the railing, trying to catch their quiet words. My mom sounded upset. What had happened? The door to the living room opened so quickly, I didn’t have time to hide. My father walked out, looking distressed, when he glanced up and saw me. He looked slightly worried, but he covered it up. He managed to make his voice normal and relaxed when he spoke.

“Hey, Brooke. Can you come downstairs? Your mum and I need to talk to you.” He said kindly. I didn’t really have a choice, so I made my way down the stairs, and past my father, into the living room. I didn’t say anything. I had no idea what was going on. When I stepped into the living room, my mom was in the rocking chair, her eyes red and puffy. My father gave her a stern look when he came in. she pulled herself together, quickly hiding her face while she wiped her eyes. I had no clue what they were hiding, but clearly, it had something to do with me. My mother smiled at me, the smile almost hiding the sadness in her eyes.

“Sit down, honey.” She said softly. My parents were acting really wired. I hadn’t gotten such an affectionate tone for months. They had mostly ignored me, and now they were acting all lovey-dovey again? It hadn’t made any sense.

What are you hiding? I thought as I sat down. My mother opened her mouth to speak, but my dad held up his hand. She closed her mouth again, and my father looked me directly in the eye. This was odd. Normally my mother was the one to talk to me about important stuff.  My father started to speak, his tone sounding not angry, but concerned.

“We got a message from your school today, Brooke.” He said. I looked at him, confused. I hadn’t done anything bad at school!

“What?! But it’s Saturday. And I haven’t done anything!” I said defensively.

“We’re just worried about, you, honey.” My mother said, her voice sounding distressed. My father shot her another look and she became silent again. My father continued speaking in the same, concerned tone.

“We were speaking to the school guidance counsellor today.” He said slowly, seeing if I would understand. Unfortunately, I did. It felt like ice was shot through my veins. But they couldn’t know about the cutting! I hadn’t told anybody about it, especially not the school guidance counsellor. I tried to keep my voice controlled.

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