Something unexpected

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Hey, here's the new chapter to Many Shades. This is in Lilums Pov.  I apologize for how late it is,  anyhow I hope you enjoy it. Plz remember to Comment, Fan, and Vote.





           I heard the soft click of the door closing, as I entered the kitchen and leaned against the granite counter, waiting for my housemate and best friend to enter. She was very late and by the sound of her harsh expirations of breath, very irritated. Not noticing my presence in the dimly lit kitchen, she came in frowning, flicking on one of the light switches and literally dropping herself into one of the kitchen seats and cradling her head in her arms mumbling obscenities.

             “Hi, I’m the person standing in the kitchen.” I said with a slight smile on my face.  "Cut the sarcasm, love, I’m not in the mood."  I chuckled at the irritation in her voice. "Alright being serious now, what happened” I said taking a seat next to her.


             "I think I like the guy I met at Decedent. I don’t know what I’m feeling right now.” A smile spread across my face. “You’re serious? I thought succubae don’t fall in like? “I said a tad bit confused. “Is there something special about him?” I continued.


She shivered. "Ohhh, he’s yummy isn’t he?" I said starting to laugh. I heard her muffled laughter through her arms. " I just don’t know. I’m confused, which I shouldn’t be, and yes he’s yummy or rather sexy.”


“Nika, has boy trouble. Never thought I would see this day” In response to my comment, she grunted rather loudly. For as long as I have know Nika, never has she fallen to the charms of any guy, she was always the one in control, that’s just the way she was.


I can remember the first time we met 10 yrs ago, I was outside of Serenity, a club that was very popular back then, trying to persuade the overly muscular bouncer to let me into club, which had an age limit of 20 yrs of age. Which I had thought was completely unreasonable. Being a siren meant that I stopped aging in my late teens, so I looked about 18-19 years old so the Hulk sized bouncer was not allowing me to enter. So, I stupidly used my siren powers out in public, And Nika being an immortal felt my pull and witnessed me make the bouncer step aside to let me enter.


Later in the evening, Nika approached me and promptly scolded me for using my powers unjustly and in public no less.  After she scolded me, she asked what my name was and what a siren would want in a club. I, feeling like I could trust her, ended up telling her my life story, spilling out that I was bisexual, that I was part of a very wealthy clan of sirens. After I finished spilling my guts she announced that we were going to be great friends. And after that one night at Serenity we keep in touch, and became very close friends and eventually housemates.


Over the years Nika had many sexual escapades, NEVER had a serious boyfriend. She would come home late at night sated, after having had a “meal”. That’s why her sudden turmoil seemed so baffling, and interesting to me. As I turned in my stool to look at her, a small scar on her neck caught my eye. I stepped off the stool and stood next to where she was still in a slouched position, and brushed her black curls aside to take a closer look.

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