Date night

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Beckett took a glance at the mirror, as she did she placed a piece of hair behind her ear and took a deep breath. They were going on a date, for some kind of reason she was a little nervous, they lied to Maddy, they haven't been on a date for like two years, not since Emily was born because when she got home their lives got even more busy, taking care of a 12 and 2 year old plus a new born, was kind of stressful and Castle and Beckett decided to focus on their family a little more then in their dating time.

She stared at the mirror, looking deep, so deep that her thoughts were cut by two arms coming from behind her and wrapping around her waist without her noticing from the reflection. Castle bent down a little so he could place his chin on her shoulder, she tilt her head to the side he was and rested her head on his.

"You look great" He told Beckett looking her in the eyes through the mirror. She wasn't wearing fancy clothes, none of them were, they both looked like they were going to the precinct in a normal day, Castle had his usual shirt, black jacket and pants and Beckett was wearing a dark pair of skinny jeans, a white turtle neck shirt with a grey jacket that ended above her waist and high heel boots.

"You see me like this everyday" She replied also looking into his blue eyes through the mirror in front of them. "and plus, you always say that" Beckett added and smiled a little, that smile was enough to make Castle's heart melt, like he didn't know it was possible to love someone so much.

"That's because you always look good" Castle complimented her, which made her look away form the mirror and turn her back to it to be in front of Castle and place her arms around his neck. He pulled her closer by placing an arm on her back and pulling her to him in response.

"You know I love you right?!" She kind of asked and stated at the same time.

"I love you too" Castle answered and lean down to place his lips on hers only to be interrupted by Maddy knocking on the door.


"Oh and remember my dad's face when we told him I was pregnant with Cosmo?!" Beckett asked laughing just like Castle and took a sip of her wine.

"How could I forget! It was priceless, he was really happy" Castle answered with a little giggle.

"Are you nervous?" Castle asked her. She nodded her head in response and to make her feel better, he interviewed his finger with hers. She knocked at the door and looked at Castle in search of encouragement, which he gave her by sweetly smiling at her. A couple of seconds later, the door opens and Beckett's dad invites them in.

"Take a sit. Do you want any thing to eat?" Jim asks after greeting his daughter with a hug and Castle with a handshake.

"No thank you" The couple answers in sync.

"So what brings you two here?" Her dad asked sitting in the couch in front of them. Castle and Beckett were sitting next to each other, legs touching, both leaning to the the front and Castle had his hand on her knee in a protective way.

"We have some news for you, Jim?" Castle announced and looked at Beckett knowing she wanted to be the one splitting their secret to her dad. She smiled at him and took a breath. Why was it so difficult for her every time she was going to tell someone they were going to have a baby to open her mouth? She guessed it came with the job.

"I'm pregnant ,dad" She finally managed to breath it out.

"You are?!" Jim asked not really sure what he had just heard. Castle and Beckett could see a mix of emotions on the man's face, suddenly he looked like he had just seen a ghost, just then stood up and walked to Kate, she understood what he was going to do and stood up as well to hug him.

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