Telling the boys

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The couple decided not to tell anyone yet, especially at the precinct and like the two other times before, they were determined to hide the pregnancy from Gates as long as possible.

That day Castle woke up to a sound coming from their bathroom, it was ten minutes before the alarm was supposed to beep, it was Beckett throwing up in the toilet, he stood up and walked towards the door where he saw her kneeling on the floor with her arms around her stomach, Castle walked further into the room until he was close enough to kneel next to her.

"I'm having a deja vu over here" He admitted and the truth was, Beckett had had one of those just moments before he walked inside. As her husband said those words she slightly moved her head so she could see his face, the detective shyly smiled.

"Good morning" Kate greeted him.

"You okay?" Castle questioned as he looked into her eyes and with his hand, gently placed a piece of her hair behind her hair, when he was done hooking her hair in her ear, his hand sweetly rested on her cheek, she couldn't help but smile and snuggle her face in the comfort of his touch.

"I've been better! I guess I forgot how it felt to get nauseous so easily" She admitted and they helped each other stand up.

"At least we know it will go away" Castle tried to make it better. Beckett smiled before she leaned to him and they let their lips touch, as soon as they were attached, Castle tried to get their tongues to touch, he regretted it.

"Ewww! Why would you kiss me after you just throwing up?!" He groaned. Beckett started walking back to the room with a smirk on her face.

"Well... You're the father so I think you should suffer as much as I do" The detective teased him, even though she kind of felt bad for doing that, it was a little too evil.

"That's not fair" He complained walking into the room as well now.

"Don't worry Castle, I'll brush my teeth after breakfast so you can actually enjoy the kiss" Beckett said this as she stood in only her underwear in front of the mirror with two blouses in her hands.

Castle walked towards her only to stop right behind his wife. He placed his arms around her waist and rested both his hands on her stomach, she placed hers on top of his.

"You do know I don't mind as long as it is for our children" Castle finally admitted showing this sweet side of him. He gently placed a kiss on her naked shoulder before adding:

"We're going to tell Ryan and Espo right? So they can help us cover up from Gates like before."

Kate chuckled because she knew he was really excited to tell everyone the news "Yes we will" She added and felt him slightly brush his thumb in her unnoticeable bump, they both stared at her stomach through the mirror.

"Oh gosh... I love you" Castle said out of the blue and then, this time he kissed her cheek.


"Good morning" Beckett told the boys as soon as they reached their side

"It doesn't look too good for you" Esposito noticed and Castle laughed.

"Is everything okay?" Ryan asked this time not really sure of what was going on.

"Actually we need to talk. Break room in five" Beckett replied with no emotion as she placed her jacket on the back of her chair and left with Castle to the break room without saying anything else. Castle couldn't help but laugh at the boys confused expressions.

Five minutes later Esposito, Ryan and Tom walked through the break room door clueless of what was about to be said. When they entered, Castle and Beckett were standing next to the coffee machine, as soon as they got inside, the three boys walked next to them.

"We're going to need your help" Castle admitted.

"For what?" Tom questioned back. Beckett looked up at Castle and they both shared a sweet and encouraging smile, leaving, once again, three detectives with no clues. Castle placed an arm around Kate's waist before she turned her head back to the boys to say:

"To hide my pregnancy from Gates" As soon as the words left her mouth, the three detectives jumped at her all at the same time and they hugged, the four detectives hugged and Castle stood by the side appreciating the interaction.

"Come here bro" Espo called him out and pulled him into a bro hug.

"Yeah, congratulations Castle" Ryan added and waited for him and Esposito to be done so he could hug the writer. And after Ryan was Tom's turn.

"My big brother is gonna be a dad again! baby number three on the way and here I am still waiting for the first one" He commented before taking him into another hug.

"What's going on here?" Came a voice from the door that made the two siblings step away from each other. "What's the celebration?" Gates asked as this time they all stared at her.

"Uhm... I was just congratulating my brother here because he's going to be an uncle of a baby boy" Tom masterly lied.

"Congratulations detective Weller, and congratulate detective Jessica too" Gates answered before leaving.

"Wow... that was close" Beckett admitted "I didn't know you were such a good liar, if I didn't know you were really brothers, I think I wouldn't believe it" She added before looking at Castle.

"Hey! I am a good liar" Castle complained.

"Sure you are" She teased him as she playfully pinched his arm.

A/N I don't if you guys have heard the news but I have and that's why I'm still wondering of I'm going to continue writing my fanfictions our simply wrap them because its going to be too painful to write them knowing nor Beckett or Lanie will ever be present on the show again.
Xoxo Bia

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