White roses

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Becketts dream:

She saw a dead body of a woman with dark hair in a bath full of water and with white roses. Next to the bath was a man around Castle's height with a clown mask throwing more roses to the poor dead woman.

The same dark hair women was now standing in a living room with a man next to her, the mans face was blank, you could only see the body, was like you weren't supposed to see his face. The man and that women, seemed to be a couple, they were holding hands and there was a point he kissed her, right after the kiss he took her shirt off and e started with taking his belt off, it looked like they were about to make out, but she was crying when he started taking his belt off.

She had a tattoo in her shoulder, was a half moon. When his belt was totally out she started crying even more, then he started hitting her with that belt on her back till she started bleeding

Beckett woke up with difficulty breathing because if the dream, was just so strange, what the hell was that supposed to mean? She thought to herself.

Kate took her phone from down her pillow and looked at the time: 6am. There was no reason for her to get to sleep, at 7am they usually woke up and eat breakfast, Castle and Beckett usually take a shower and then take the kids to their schools.

Beckett stood up and went to take her morning shower, but never stopping think about that odd dream of hers, our should I say nightmare? Cause that was really sinister

After taking her hot shower, she went to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast to the family, she had lots pf time so she did something big.

He did home made orange juice ad pancakes, she made Emily's usually smashed apples and to surprise Castle, he made smorlettes, e didn't knew she knew how to cook them. She putted the milk jar on the table and placed the things she had been cooking. She was now washing the dishes from the smorlettes and pancakes, when she felt two arms around her, she smelled his colony , which means he had already took a shower.

"Hey Castle" she said and he kissed her neck doing her smell his wet hair

"How did you knew it was me?" Castle asked her

"Your smell, I can recognize it"

Castle smelled the air like a little dog then asked:

"I smell smorlettes, did u..." Kate cutted him off

"I did, look at the table" she said pointing to the table full of food

"I love you" he said

Castle grabbed her waist and get her closer to him, slowly he moved her lips to hers, he looked at her lips and then to her eyes, to her lips again and to her eyes again the smiled and looked at her eyes again, he finally placed his soft and hot lips on hers, she bite his upper lip with her white and clean teeth, their tongues were now touching each other, Beckett placed her wet hands from the dishes on his two cheeks wetting them too, then they heard:

"You two are very romantic today!" Maddy said walking down the stairs

When they realized Maddy was watching them, they tried to act as normal as possible. Castle took off his hands from her waist and Beckett her wet hands off his cheeks. Castle cleaned his cheeks on his shirt, Beckett was now finishing washing the dishes, when Maddy said:

"You could continue, I just didnt wanted to see you guys making out" she said and Castle laughed "by the way, you realize that is 7:30am already right?! I think you distract yourselves flirting" Beckett sent her her look, the only and one Beckett's look that everyone knows.

"Castle can you please go upstairs and wake up the kids?" Beckett asked him

"Sure" He answer giving her a quick kiss and running upstairs to the kids room living Beckett with a smile on her face, she loves seeing Castle in daddy mood, and when hecame down the stairs holding Cosmo's hand and with the other arm carrying Emily, she totally started melting.

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