A and E

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My Dad pick me up and put me in the car. My Mum grab some of my clothes. I did not know where we were going all I know is that I am in a lot of pain. And I mean a lot of pain, like a red hot knife was going through my leg. We got to A and E my Dad pick me up again and took me inside. It looked like my sister or someone called up because we were getting rushed in to a room. I got laid down and give oxygen. Only my Sister was in the room with me and the doctor. I got x-rays, blood tests done in one night. I had to stay overnight too.

       The next day I wasn't allowed to go to school and I had no phone. I had no way to contact Edward to tell what happened. I haven't eaten since tea and the nurse was trying to get me to eat." She only eats every so offend." Thanks Mum now the nurse was questioning me about way I don't. About 11.35am I got my cast on my leg. Yeah a broken leg what every girl, who has the top floor bed room needs!! My sister went home to sort out the spare bed room what was on the bottom floor for me. So no school, no Edward, question being throw at me every 5 minutes.

        I don't remember what happened next all I remember is waking up with lots of doctor all around me. They were all look at different machine. No one had notices that I was awake until..."How are you felling now sweetie" I looked up and saw everyone looking at me. "Fin...fine thank you." I tried to get up out of the bed or at least mover my legs but someone pushed me back down. "You passed out sweetie. You need to rest." Everyone was looking at me with worry in their eyes. "I am fine really. It was all too much. People asking me questions, not in my same routine for a school day. I just want to go home." Everyone left apart from the sickly sweet nurse and 1 doctor who I had before. They both gave me a crutch's and I tried to walk with them but fell over right on to my broken leg. They pick me up and put me back on the bed. They wheeled me back into the other room. I sat there talking to my Mum about school, friend, Edward. Me and my Mum have got really close since my Nan had died.

EDWARD POV: after school:

      I drove to Violets house to see if she was in. But when I parked outside it I saw a car moving. It was coming out. It stopped just before the end. Her sister got out and walked over to talk to me. "Violet not here. She at A and E." She walked back to her car and drove off. I jumped back in to mine and drove home. When I got home I see everything that we planned for Violet was all set up. I ran in and grab Alice's arm. She look at me confused about why I did not have Violet. "Where is..." I put my hand over her mouth to get her be quite. At this point everyone was in the room. They all looked to me confuted apart from Rosalia who looked happy. "Violet in A and E. Alice you coming." They all looked at me like I was joking. Alice grab her bag and coat. Kissed Jasper in the cheek and walked out with me.

     The car ride was quiet and uncomfortable. If Violet was here she would be laughing and smiling. But mostly talking. I missed the crazy car rides. But today all I get is boring ones. It was 30 minutes to get to A and E. About 15 minutes in to it I put on the radio to listen to music but all I get is news. Today is not my day.

      We got there and rusted out of the car. Alice right behind. I walk up to the front desk and asked about Violet. They told me she was in room 13 on the bottom floor. We walked fast to find the room. We see her family sat near it. Alice had finally believed me. "What do you think happened?" I turn to see the concern in her eyes. I pulled her in for a hug. I took her hand and walked to where her family was. They told me her brothers were in there and that when they came out we could go in. Well they both came out 15 minutes after we got there. "You go in there first Edward. She is your girlfriend." I nod and open the door. I walked in and closed the door, I see her looking at her crutches. "You look good but a bit pale. It could be from the lack of light or the fact that you have been in A and E." I was smiling and walking over to the chair. "EDWARD!!!" I have never heard sound so excited to see me. She was getting up and getting her crutches but before she took maybe her 5 steps she fell. I ran over to catch her before she fell over.

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