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Meet Violet Hudson. She is a 14-year-old girl with brown eyes and copper coloured hair, she got this from her Dad side of the family. She has long nails, what she has never put in her mouth, are always painted violet. Her favoured colour is violet and her favoured animal are pigs, cow, and lambs. She thinks that they are cutest looking animals out there, in the whole world. She is a vegetarian, the only one in her house. So she has fun eating with her family. Her family contains 2 brothers, 1 sister, Mum and Dad. They are a wealth family, but not too rich. Just more than the normal family. They get what they want, when they want.

Her life was easy to people all around her. Because to her it was like living in hell. She had some friends, when I say some. I really mean none. Unless you class music as a friend, then one friend. She has no one because she pushes everyone away because that is who she is. She is depressed and has panic attacks most weeks. She hides all her emotions and keeps them to herself, until she goes to talk to her Nan. Her parents are never home and always being at work or in a different country's. Because sadly that is their line of work. That is one of the reason why they get everything they want.

She is the youngest of them all and her sister is the oldest. Her parents feel sorry for her but do nothing about her life. All thought Violet would not let them take control of her life. It the one thing she has got control of.

Her Nan is the person she talks to about everything in her life. She lives in California so she can talk to her on the phone. Every year they go to see her Nan at Christmas, what means the world to her because she could hug her, cry on her, laugh with her and spend lots of the time, until they have to leave. They talk about her crushes, school and home life. Everything.

Enough about Violet, let talk about her school.

Her school is Westwood High. It is a good school with amazing teachers in it. At brake time she walk out of lesson and heads to the nearest bench and sits on it. Same at lunch. She has meet some people who ask her then same things but her answer will always be 'No' or 'Go away'. She use to have friends but they all left her that is a reason she has no one. All her old friends were from primary school and she did not know how to make friends because no one had helped her or shown her how.

Her life is not what it seems but soon she will see a bright and happy her that she has had never seen before. But how long until she sees that. Will she need it before then or not?

Well now you know her, let's meet her moving to California with her family.

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