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A/N: I'm so sorry.


Port: an internal I.V in a way; it helps chemo move through the body faster; is surgically placed in the left or right side of your chest or hip before chemo starts

Mitch ran into the hospital, breathing heavily. Scott ran in carefully, making sure he didn't run into anything that could hurt his chest. Alex walked in, putting his arm around Scott's shoulders.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist asked in a drawl. She looked at her acrylic nails and popped her bubble gum.

"We're the sons of Kevin Olusola," Scott answered, cursing to himself mentally when he tried to speak loudly but gave an answer came out as a whisper. "We were told that he came in here less than an hour ago."

The receptionist nodded as she typed something in. After a few minutes of endless searching, the receptionist pointed towards the elevator.

"He's on Floor 5, Room 28."

The three of them nodded their thanks and went to the elevators. As they got into the elevator, Alex then looked at the time and sighed sadly. He then pressed both '5' and '7', rubbing Scott's back gently.

"Scott, your treatment starts right now," Alex reminded, causing Scott and Mitch to frown. "We have to get you ready for your port surgery. Mitch, we'll try to see Kevin later. Okay?"

"O-ok-kay," Mitch agreed, looking towards the elevator doors when they stopped at '5'. Scott then hugged his brother tightly, not wanting to let go. "I love you, Scott."

"I love you too, Mitchy."


Mitch walked into Room 28, his guest breaking at the sight. Kevin has multiple I.Vs in his arms. He has a breathing machine and he looks so tired. A doctor was in there and he looked up when Mitch walked in.

"You're related to Kevin Olusola, I presume?" The doctor asked softly. Mitch nodded, refusing to take his eyes off of his father. "I need to talk to you about him. Let's stand in the hallway for a few minutes."

"O-ok-kay," Mitch replied, following the doctor. When they got out of the room, the doctor began to flip through his papers. "Wh-wh-at's the ma-ma-tter with my dad?"

"He's in a coma," the doctor answered, looking up. Mitch tried to blink away the tears, but they fell down his cheeks anyway. "He had a major heart attack. His caretaker found him in his kitchen. I'll try to take care of him so he could get better, but his chances of survival are slim."

"Wh-ha-at are t-th-th-hey?" Mitch asked, his heart beating fast. When the doctor didn't answer, he began to cry more. "T-te-ell me, p-p-lease!"

"I'm so sorry," the doctor began genuinely. He then looked at his notes once more and looked up. "He had a 35% chance of getting out of the coma."


Lilliana glared at her cousins when they began to laugh at something random. Ariana and Kirstin walked out of their room, talking excitedly about Orange is the New Black.

"I don't care about how much you ship them. Larry is a jerk and Piper doesn't  deserve him," Ariana argued, laughing a bit when Kirstin poked her. She smiled at her niece, nephew, and daughter, hugging Kirstin tightly. "Hey, kiddos. What are you three doing?"

"Well, Matt and I are talking about SpongeBob while Lilliana is moping like always," Sara answered, smiling more when her aunts laughed. "What did you two do?"

"We watched Netflix," Ariana answered, causing Sara and Matt to laugh even more. "What did I say?"

"Nothing," Matt replied, trying not to snicker. "Never mind. Are you two seeing our dad today?"

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