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A/N: I wanted to get more in depth in Sara's past. It won't be a big part of the story, but Mitch is a big part of Sara's story. I'll explain why.:D Also, all the children will have a big part in this chapter so prepare to cry, laugh, say 'aw' loudly, and wanting to kill me.

(WARNING: mentions of child abuse)

Kirstin watched as Sara quietly walked around the house, exhaustion evident in her posture. Kirstin loved the sweet girl. Everyone who met her fell in love with how kind she was. Nobody knew of her past though besides her family and it broke their hearts.

She was adopted when she was five. Before that though, she lived in a not so good neighborhood. Her parents died when she was a couple months old. She got adopted by her aunt about a month or later. Her aunt was single and hurt the little girl with every chance she had. Sara had bruises, burns, and cuts that she was afraid to say how she got them. One day, all that changed.

Her teacher noticed a cut and asked her how she got it. Sara then broke down in tears and admitted that her aunt did it. The teacher called the police immediately and the aunt got arrested. Sara was only four at the time and had nowhere to go.

Alex and Scott, however, changed that. Scott teared up after hearing the story and admitted to the owner of the orphanage that Mitch got abused when he was younger. The owner listened intensely and couldn't believe how similar the stories of abuse were. After a year or so, five year old Sara was adopted and got a little brother named Matt.

Years of trauma and nightmares scared her. She had nights were she refused to go to sleep in fears that her aunt will hurt her. Mitch was always there on those kinds of nights. He sang Sara to sleep and chased away the bad dreams. He still does it to this day. Sara couldn't be anymore thankful to have her uncle Mitch.

"Sara, honey?" Kirstin called out, catching her niece's attention. "Matt is going to the hospital. Do you want to go?"

"I want to Papa, but I'm scared," Sara replied, look down at the ground. "It just scares me, you know? A lot of bad memories."

"That's fine, honey," Kirstin reassured. She sighed sadly and wiped her eyes. "Sara, something happened last night.

"What happened?" Sara asked, afraid to hear the news. "Is it Papa?"

"No, but it's Grandpa Kevin," Kirstin began. Sara gasped, sitting down on the couch. "He had a heart attack last night and he is in a coma. The doctors think that he isn't going to make it."

Sara began to cry, her body shaking to shake with sobs. Kirstin hugged her tightly, tearing up herself. Ariana walked in with groceries and felt her heart break at the sight. She went into the kitchen and set down the groceries, going back to her wife and niece. She hugged them both, the quiet sobs from the both breaking their hearts

"He'll be okay. He'll be okay."

While this whole thing was happening, Lilliana glared at them. She is angered by the fact that everyone else is getting attention, but she isn't. She shook her head and went to her room.

"I'll get my revenge. I just need to find out what to do."

If only the Kirks, Grandes, and Mitch knew how evil she could be.


Matt walked into Scott's room, smiling when Alex and Mitch waved at him. Scott is sleeping peacefully, his hair wild. Matt felt his heart break when he realized that all that hair will disappear in no time. A nurse walked in, smiling at Matt. She shook Scott slightly and carefully, causing him to wake up.

"Hello, Scott. I'm Nurse Jessi," she introduced, smiling. "I'm just here to tell you that you have to go to the bathroom."

"I don't need to go though?" Scott replied, tilting his head. Jessi laughed and pointed towards the bathroom.

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