Chapter eleven - Making us happy

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- Evans POV -

When I woke up this time I first didn't dare to open my eyes, afraid of what I would eventually see. Had I been rescued or had it all been a dream and I simply passed out from all the beating? With my head still clouded with sleep really heavily that seemed a decent explanation since my whole body was sore and everything hurt.

So I lied in silence a few more minutes until my head was more clear and my brain showed up. -I'm to 90% pretty much sure that Sey rescuing us wasn't a dream, beside we are laying in a bed if I am not wrong.- I noticed that the ground I was lying on in fact was way to soft for the floor so I slowly obeyed and opened one of my eyes a bit.

Just enough to make out the bookshelf on the side of the wall I faced. I was back in my room. I couldn't really remember how I came here but I did know it hadn't been a dream that Sey pulled me out of the water.

But that also meant that Mason had helped me instead of that girl. Maybe, just maybe I was up to forgive him now... But that sure as hell didn't mean I would leave Sey. -While thinking about Sey, shouldn't he be here?- I rolled my eyes. Funny you, how would I know? You're the brain.

Slowly I sat up and groaned as I put pressure to some of my wounds. That bitch had pretty much kicked and beaten me everywhere. Looking around in my room I saw no trace of Sey whatsoever. Had he in the end decided it was too dangerous on the land and gone back home?

Panic rose in my chest as I thought about it and for a couple of seconds I couldn't breath and the tears that started to fall down my face didn't help at all. -Wait, wait, wait. Just goddamn wait a second. Maybe he's in the living room or something. Let's not again just jump to conclusions you can't confirm.- I slowly nodded to myself and carefully managed to stand up walking over to the mirror at my closet door.

I looked pretty much blue and purple with a few cuts everywhere but other than bruises I couldn't see much serious damage. Physically I should be fine in merely a few days. I started to walk towards the living room but at the sight of the door I suddenly hesitated.

What if Sey wasn't there? I suddenly didn't feel save in my own house anymore. Yet I still forced myself to open the door and go downstairs. First I searched in the living room. No Sey whatsoever. I already felt ready to collapse, when small noises came to me from the kitchen.

My heart made a stupid jump in my chest and I hurried toward the kitchen, freezing at the given sight. There he was looking as gorgeous as ever with his pale blond, nearly white hair and those tantalizing blue eyes.

Altough I couldn't see his eyes from this point, so I walked around the counter and positioned myself in front of him. The spatula he had held earlier clattered onto the stove and he slung his strong arms around me.

"Evey!" He sounded so unbelievely glad to see me standing there and I myself was also so glad he hadn't left me that I wasn't able to hold new tears back. One would think I had cried enough for a lifetime in the past few days yet my tears just didn't seem to die down. Sey moved me over to the counter and placed me on one of the chairs.

"Shh, it's alright. Everything is fine. I'm here." Sey cooed sweetly, kissing the top of my hair and squeezing me to his chest tightly.

When my tears had finally dried I began to feel overly self conscious again. Sey didn't wore a shirt - well he never wore one - and still only had those white pants that hung very low on his hips. And suddenly I wanted nothing more than to drown in that warmth he gave me and never have to leave his arms again.

My head must have been still cloudy from sleep, or maybe it was due to the shock in that storehouse I had felt when I thought I wouldn't see Sey again. I didn't really care either way through. I just wanted to feel him near me now.

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